Call of Duty may no longer be an annual release, according to rumours


Activision employees discuss the future of the company’s games. The otherwise annual release of a new CoD title could be interrupted.

In a report by (Bloomberg) on Thursday, Activision Blizzard outlines plans and ideas following its acquisition by Microsoft. One train of thought presented included no longer publishing Call of Duty annually.

One reason for this could be the slow release of CoD: Vanguard. The Call of Duty title has been struggling with technical problems for some time after its release. Vanguard is littered with bugs and glitches. In addition, the popularity of the game seems to have declined and it only ranked eleventh in Germany in the most popular games of 2021. The ongoing difficulties with cheaters and hackers in Warzone could also speak for the change of the annual release.

Gamer:ins would then be able to savour Call of Duty games for longer before one new title takes over from another. Such a change would also be beneficial with regard to casual gamers and competitive ones. In the esports scene, Call of Duty would become more entrenched as a new title would not be released every year. Other big games in the esports business like League of Legends also mainly release updates.

Nevertheless, the consideration is not yet set in stone. So far, it’s just ideas from some of the people in charge. Activision has not yet officially confirmed that in future it would be necessary to wait a little longer for a new Call of Duty part.