Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 – Another multiplayer map announced

COD Modern Warfare 2 New map!

Activision shows off a glimpse of a new map for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Farm 18 is based on an old map from MW.

Activision gave a glimpse of another map for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on Thursday. The new map Farm 18 is even based on a well-known map from the predecessor Modern Warfare.

The first multiplayer map Marina Bay Grand Prix was already presented at the finale of the Call of Duty League (CDL) Championship Weekend. Here, the players compete against each other on a Formula 1 race track. Farm 18, on the other hand, has taken elements from the map Shoothouse from Modern Warfare and created a hidden training facility next to a cement factory.

The Farm 18 map is designed to allow for a wide variety of playstyles. In the centre of the map is the training facility, where most of the action will take place. Those who want to jump right into the fray should go there. However, it should also be possible to play more defensively on the map and to stay safe outside the action and advance more slowly.

The multiplayer map Farm 18 should already be playable in the beta of Modern Warfare 2. Early Access for the test phase starts on 16 September for all PlayStation players. One week later, all other platforms will be able to take a first look at Activision’s upcoming shooter.