Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 – Are we finally getting a map editor?


Criticism of Call of Duty maps is as old as the franchise itself. Now, the introduction of a map editor could soon remedy that.

Too big, too small, too tubular – there’s always something wrong with Call of Duty maps. Leaker RalphsValve now gives the criticism-happy CoD community hope for the new part Modern Warfare 2.

DIY Maps

The success of a new CoD title is often measured by its maps and so the community rarely spares criticism. Annoying spawn points, confusing walkways and a map design that is too haphazard are just a few of the most frequently mentioned shortcomings on CoD maps. While maps like Crossfire, Crash or Nuketown have legendary status in Call of Duty, maps like Downturn or Stonehaven have become synonymous with bad map design. Since the community knows best what they want, both Infinity Ward and Treyarch are currently working on plans to introduce a map editor.

Trust is good, control is better

The two development studios want to equip the community with the necessary tools to change maps in Modern Warfare 2. Among other things, it should be possible to move spawn points, change targets and paths through blockers or adjust the properties of crates. Originally, the editor was to be introduced in Modern Warfare (2019) in order to optimally adapt the game experience on the maps to the needs of the community. At the same time, this will also take the pressure off the developers to create better and better maps to keep the content-hungry CoD fans happy. CoD leaker TheGhostOfHope confirmed RalphsValve’s announcement a little later via Twitter.

Even if Infinity Ward and Treyarch give the community some freedom to let off steam on the Call of Duty maps, it is ultimately highly questionable whether they will be as extensive as in Fortnite’s creative mode. After all, the developers want to strictly regulate the maps and give creators a green tick if they are verified. The Call of Duty motto is probably: trust is good, control is better. The verification could also point to a community hub where players can download and play maps.

In addition to the introduction in Modern Warfare 2, the sandbox mode is also to be integrated into Warzone 2. How exactly this will look is still unclear. Further information on the new CoD title is expected on 8 June at 7 p.m. German time, when the official Reveal of the new Call of Duty title is to take place.