Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 – Level up faster with these tricks


Over 50 different weapons and 55 profile levels are waiting to be levelled up in Modern Warfare 2. With these tricks, you can fill up your weapons cabinet in no time at all.

Those who have been playing Call of Duty for a while know how slowly and exhaustingly the progress bar fills up for some weapons. The progress of the profile level, which initially increases by one level after each match, can also drag on like chewing gum at the higher levels. These tips will help you to unlock over 50 weapons and 55 profile levels in a time-saving manner.

Play the objective

Although it may sound obvious and simple, many people play modes like Launch Confirmed, Domination or Position like normal Team Deathmatch without paying attention to the actual objective of the mode – which is a big mistake. Any XP earned by defending, capturing or the like that is related to the objective is also credited to the weapon XP.

This is particularly rewarding in Kill Confirmed, as we get 100 XP from a kill and another 75 XP is credited to our account when we collect the dog tag afterwards. In Domination and Position mode, we also receive a considerable amount of XP for our weapons by capturing the objects and incidentally win the match.

Points instead of Killstreaks

A big change compared to Vanguard, BOCW and Modern Warfare (2019) concerns the killstreaks. Whereas before we had to select a perk to activate point breaks instead of kill breaks, today we can switch this with a simple click and no longer have to waste a perk to do so.

Especially when you play the objective and make kills on the side, the dots flutter in and supply you with a series of kills. Kills that you then make through these series count not only for your profile level but also for your weapon XP and are therefore doubly worthwhile for you.

Revive teammates

In some game modes, death doesn’t take it too seriously and gives you and your teammates more than just a second chance. In Prisoner Rescue, Knock-Out and the three co-op missions, you can bring knocked-out teammates back to life and get a good score every time.

Especially in the co-op missions, this can be exploited. Simply grab a friend who repeatedly runs into the map boundary and dies as a result. Then revive them and collect 100 XP for each time you do so.

XP tokens and daily challenges

The daily challenges are a good way to get a lot of experience points quickly, especially in the beginning. If you combine the whole thing with an XP token, you can leave several levels behind you in one match.

Generally, you should only use these tokens if you can be sure that you will use them all the time. As soon as you have redeemed the token, the clock starts ticking and not in game time, but in real time. So if you’re in the game menu for minutes on end, it will still come off your time.

Forget about windy XP tricks from YouTube

If you’re like me, you’ve been bombarded with various tricks over the past few days on how to get your weapons to max level in a short amount of time. Most of these glitches and tricks have not only been fixed, but in reality take much longer than the guides would have you believe.

Personally, I have tested almost every trick and have come to the conclusion that most of them are a waste of time. In the time I’ve spent trying to get the tricks to work, I could have played three or four rounds of launch confirmed and increased my weapon level by six or seven levels.

So don’t waste your game time on this and better play Modern Warfare 2 normally.