Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II – Developers drastically change 3rd-person mode


Just before the release of Modern Warfare II, the developers once again change the 3rd-person mode and give it the finishing touches.

One of the new features of CoD: Modern Warfare II surprised and excited fans of the first-person shooter in equal measure. Before the full release on 28 October, the developers are now changing the new 3rd-person perspective once again.

Fine tuning for the 3rd-person view

The beta phase of Modern Warfare II was a complete success and was able to set records for player numbers. In addition to a new weapon smith, perk system and game modes, there was also a completely new feature to marvel at – the 3rd person perspective. While online shooters like Fortnite or PUBG have had this view for years, Modern Warfare II is the first time a Call of Duty game has offered its players this new perspective.

The new feature was well received by the community, but is now set to receive a final fine-tuning shortly before release. On Instagram, the developers have touched on one of the biggest changes and given players tips on how to get the most out of the new view.

Another change concerns the FOV slider. While the field of view was still limited to 90 degrees in the beta, in the future we will be able to increase this up to 120 degrees on both PC and consoles.

Less ADS, more hip fire

Under the motto “No Scope, No Problem“, among other things, the ADS mode in the 3rd person view is to be changed. While in the beta you automatically switched to the first-person perspective when aiming, this is now limited to certain sights.

All sights with a magnification of less than 4x will remain in shoulder perspective when aiming. Holo and red dot sights therefore continue to offer the advantages of the 3rd person view when aiming. The change is intended to reduce the constant switch to the first-person perspective and motivate players to shoot from the hip more often.

Those who want to sweeten the wait until the release of the multiplayer on 28 October can already start playing the campaign from the 20th and earn special rewards.