Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II – Developers whistle on community feedback


Initial hopes about CoD developers taking community feedback to heart seem increasingly unlikely.

While gameplay mechanics are being diligently improved in Warzone 2.0, and both loadouts and perks have been changed after scathing feedback from the community, players seem to have been listened to very little in Modern Warfare II.

Deaf developers

Even though the beta of Modern Warfare II broke all previous records and brought many new insights to both developers and community, many main criticisms of the players are apparently not taken seriously.

As the user Modern Warfare II Informer has now announced on Twitter, four of the community’s biggest requests for changes will not be implemented.

In addition to the highly controversial SBMM (Skill Based Matchmaking), the new Perk System and the classic Prestige Mode, there will also be no change to the so-called “Red Dots in Minimap”. Until now, opponents firing their weapon without a silencer were marked as a red dot on the minimap. Developer Infinity Ward surprisingly changed this in Modern Warfare II.

Developers enforce their vision

The far-reaching changes that many had hoped for after the beta phase seem to have vanished into thin air. At the moment, it doesn’t look like the developers are willing to listen to criticism from the community, even if it is as clear as with the question of the classic minimap.

Whether Infinity Ward is intentionally bypassing the community is speculation, but it almost seems like the developers are trying to push through their vision of Modern Warfare II, even if it means going against the community’s interests.

In the end, most players will come to terms with the circumstances and make friends with them in the long run. Nevertheless, the behaviour of the developers should be anything but beneficial for the relationship with their community.