Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II – Is this still Aim-Assist or already an Aimbot?


A video on Twitter is currently causing discussion within the CoD community, is the Aim-Assist in Modern Warfare II going too far?

A video from the Modern Warfare II beta is currently splitting the CoD community into console vs. PC camps on Twitter and reigniting an old discussion. Did the developers overdo it with the Aim Assist in Modern Warfare II?

Too much of a good thing?

It’s not just the new perk system that worries the CoD community. Through the Crossplay function, since Modern Warfare (2019) and Warzone, PlayStation, Xbox and PC users can compete against each other and finally fight each other across platforms. The Aim Assist is an essential feature for console players to be able to keep up against PC players, who would otherwise have a serious advantage with mouse and keyboard.

In a video on Twitter, however, a user now reveals that the feature in Modern Warfare II may have swung the pendulum a little too far towards console players. While the player is actually firing at an enemy further away, two other enemies move into his field of vision. Thanks to the Aim Assist, the player can take out all three enemies effortlessly and without having to aim himself.

Similar clips have repeatedly caused discussion within the CoD community in the past. In Warzone, too, the controversial aiming aid has been debated for years and whether it does not go too far in many cases. In another video we see that the Aim Assist even seems to be immune to stun grenades and finishes off a frustrated PC player.


Without question, the Aim Assist is an essential feature for console players in Call of Duty to make console and PC crossplay fairer. Even the best console player would probably hardly stand a chance against a comparable PC player without Aim-Assist. The advantages that mouse and keyboard offer in first-person shooters are hard to outweigh without aim assists on consoles.

Nevertheless, the video raises the question, not without justification, of whether the Aim-Assist is now more like an Aimbot than a mere aiming aid. As player Maxiq, whose gameplay we see in the video, says, he did not even move the thumb stick to aim at the two players moving into his field of vision. So the actual process of aiming was done for him by the game.

Most PC players would probably never manage such a quick switch between their targets without technical aids. Thanks to Aim-Assist, do console players now have an advantage in Call of Duty that even a mouse and keyboard can no longer compensate for?

Maxiq has decided to create a whole video on YouTube with the subject matter due to the great interest in his short clip. Meanwhile, the community on Twitter continues to discuss whether the system as it currently exists in the game is still appropriate. After all, players have also evolved and improved their aiming.

However, it is doubtful whether developer Infinity Ward will improve the automatic aiming system. In any case, no changes were made in the first patch.