Call of Duty Vanguard: Campaign locked? What you can do

‎Call of Duty Vanguard Campaign suspended

The CoD Vanguard campaign does not start for many people. We have a possible solution for you, which has helped numerous users.

If you are currently having problems starting the Call of Duty Vanguard campaign, you are not alone. At the moment, search queries are piling up as to why the solo content is locked. We have collected several possible solutions for you.

Classical solutions

Check your internet connection and Of course, you should try the usual solutions first. If you have already done so, then you can simply skip these points:

  • First of all, make sure that you have installed the campaign package on To do this, go to Vanguard, select “Modify installation” in the options and check whether the checkmark next to the campaign is set. If not, you will need to check it manually and then download the rest.
  • Check your internet connection, best disconnect once and reconnect.
  • Don’t forget to check, update if necessary, otherwise restart completely once.
  • A PC restart could also help under certain circumstances.
  • This has helped many others
  • Didn’t work? Then try this workaround from Reddit user (MBKGFX). Select “Modify installation” in the Vanguard options and install a different language pack. After the download, you can ideally start the campaign via the button (and change the language again). According to the (Blizzard forum), this has helped many users.

Why is the Vanguard campaign blocked? There is no official statement yet as to where the problems are coming from. If the developers make a statement, we will of course let you know directly.

Beware, even if shows you that you can play Vanguard before the installation is complete, experience shows that this almost never works without serious problems. In this case, be patient and try again as soon as everything is installed.

Did one of these solutions solve your problem? Please let us know in the comments, you’ll be helping others too! And if you were able to fix it another way, please let us know too and we’ll update this article if any other helpful tips come up