Call of Duty: Vanguard developer announces changes

Call of Duty Vanguard announce changes

Now that the beta testing phase of Call of Duty: Vanguard has ended, the developer studio has announced changes.

The beta test run of the upcoming title Call of Duty: Vanguard has ended. Developer Sledgehammer Games has subsequently announced that it will take the community’s feedback into account until the final development. During the test run, players helped to find bugs or criticised some of the game’s features.

Via Twitter, a humorous list has already been published announcing the “killer kitchen” in the Hotel Royale and the nerfing of the “dognados”. The development team is already working on other clear problems like the weapon balancing or the audio mix.

Sledgehammer Games once again reminded us that the beta version of Vanguard only showed a snippet of the full game and that more maps, the zombie mode and also the campaign will be available when it is released on 5 November.