Call of Duty: Warzone 2 – Hidden change nerfs one-shot sniper


An unannounced patch nerfs incendiary ammo, again weakening sniper rifles in Warzone 2.

Together with the release of Season 2, the developers have once again tightened the balancing screw in Warzone 2 and buffed and generated various weapons. While new meta-weapons emerged shortly after the release, one change that many in the community had been waiting for for a long time has already been reversed.

Unexpected Surprise

It has almost become a tradition that Warzone updates contain hidden changes that do not appear in the official patch notes.

This time, the community was able to enjoy a long-awaited change to the sniper rifles and their ammunition, which was apparently not intended.

As (FaZe Testy) found out shortly after the release of Season 2, it was possible in combination with Fire Ammo to take out enemies with just one hit at limited range.

Even though the community was excited about the new feature, there were quick doubts that the change was intentional.

The sudden change of course by the developers on the issue of one-shot sniper weapons and the complete absence of this change in the patch notes were to confirm the doubts shortly afterwards.

Short pleasure

The pleasure lasted only a short time and so it came as it had to come. After the hidden buff came the hidden nerf.

An unannounced balancing patch on 24 February ensured that the dream of one-shot sniper rifles was over again after only nine days.

In the (Patch Notes) it is made unequivocally clear that the buff was an oversight. In the meantime, many players are calling for the return of the “bug” on social media and hoping for insight from the developers.

However, the developers had previously spoken out clearly against a one-shot mechanic in Warzone 2.