Call of Duty: Warzone 2 – What to expect in the Season 2 Battle Pass


A new Battle Pass awaits us along with Season 2. We have taken a look at the paid extra and tell you whether it is worth it.

As with every new season, a Battle Pass packed with rewards awaits us with Season 2. For 1000 CoD points we can look forward to three new weapons as well as various operator skins, weapon blueprints and cosmetic improvements.

What”s in it

As usual in Warzone 2, the Battle Pas again contains 22 (A0 – A21) sections in Season 2, spread out on a map of sorts and no longer unlocked in a linear fashion, but determined by you which section you want to conquer next.

As usual, the new Battle Pass has a free section that is also available to non-buyers, this can be found in Sector B1.
As usual, the new Battle Pass has a free section that is also available to non-buyers, this can be found in Sector B1.

Those who are willing to spend the 1000 CoD points (approx. 10€) for the Battle Pass will automatically receive the new operator Ronin with the purchase, who also gets a new skin in the last section.

(Many CoD veterans might still know Daniel Ronin Shinoda (centre) from Warzone, in Season 2 he now celebrates his comeback.)
(Many CoD veterans might still know Daniel Ronin Shinoda (centre) from Warzone, in Season 2 he now celebrates his comeback.)

Those who unlock the entire pass can look forward to over 100 rewards, among which various XP boosters, skins, weapon blueprints and CoD points are once again hidden.

The link to the corresponding blog entry of the new Battle Pass can be found (here).

New weapons

Those who are especially after the three weapons must tackle the sectors B4B11 and B13 . The fastest way to get all the new weapons takes just seven sectors.

(The new ISO Hemlock assault rifle is waiting for us to unlock it in sector B11).
(The new ISO Hemlock assault rifle is waiting for us to unlock it in sector B11).

First you should unlock the new shotgun KV Broadside on B4 

Then you need to take B5 and B9 to get to B13 the Double Kodachis. From there, your path will take you across B6 and B10/B7 to the new ISO Hemlock assault rifle in Sector B11

The fastest way to the three new weapons

B4 -☻ B5 -☻ B9 -☻ B13 -☻ B6 -☻ B10 or B7 -☻ B11

Operator Skins

Cosmetic change lovers will also get their money”s worth in the new Battle Pass. This time, King, Kleo and Roze can look forward to new skins, which are hidden in sectors B3, B8 and B10. To get all three as quickly as possible, you”ll have to unlock at least seven sections.

(In the Season 2 Battle Pass, Roze, King and Kleo are waiting with new skins.)
(In the Season 2 Battle Pass, Roze, King and Kleo are waiting with new skins.)

The fastest way to the three new operator skins

B4 -☻ B8 -☻ B5 -☻ B9 -☻ B6 -☻ B3 -☻ B10

Not all sections and rewards have been released yet, but we will keep you posted as soon as all the information about the new Battle Pass is available and will update this post.

It can be assumed, however, that we will once again be showered with various weapon tags, calling cards and emblems. In addition, some operator and vehicle skins are still visible on the map, which have not yet been presented.