Call of Duty: Warzone – Patch nerfs new weapon shortly after release


Nearly 24 hours after its release, the new Warzone LMG has already been generated and three fan favourites also had to accept negative changes.

That was fast! Not even a day has passed and Raven Software has already decided to nerf the new LMG Lienna 57. However, it is not the only weapon that has been weakened, two of the most popular weapons also had to take sensitive nerfs.

New nerfs for community favourites

Although the Season 5 Reloaded Update is the last major content update for Warzone for the time being, we will fortunately continue to receive balancing patches that adjust weapons and game mechanics. The last of these updates hit the community on 6 October, nerfing three of the most popular weapons in Warzone alongside the new Lienna 57 light machine gun.

Armaguerra 43, UGM-8 and the Gorenko Anti-Tank Rifle were already generated in the Season 5 Reloaded Update and are now taking another beating. While Armaguerra 43 and UGM-8 take a reduction in their damage, the formidable Gorenko sniper rifle has had the speed of its projectiles tweaked.

  • UGM-8: Minimum damage reduced from 22 to 21.
  • Lienna 57: Upper torso damage multiplier reduced from 1.05 to 1.0.
  • Gorenko Anti-Tank Rifle: Bullet velocity reduced from 980 to 900.
  • Armaguerra 43: Minimum damage reduced from 23 to 21.

Although the nerf for the Lienna 57 is coming quickly, it should come as little surprise. Various videos have been circulating on YouTube for days already, showing the Lienna 57 on par with the UGM-8 and describing it as too strong in the current meta.

Whether these renewed nerfs will be enough to finally break the meta of Armaguerra 43 and UGM-8 and sideline the community darlings, however, remains to be seen.

You can find the full patch notes (here).