Call of Duty: Warzone – Season 3 Sniper sets new standards: The best setup for the MORS


A sniper rifle without equal, the MORS is currently spreading fear and terror in the Battle Royale of Warzone.

With the release of Season 3, the developers have given us not only a new SMG and melee weapon, but also a new sniper rifle that has immediately conquered the Battle Royale and has moved up to number one of the most popular snipers. We took a look at the new MORS sniper rifle for you and tell you how you should play it.

Unlike the multiplayer of Modern Warfare 3, long-range combat is the rule rather than the exception in Warzone. Combat distances of over 50, 100 or even 200 meters can hardly be avoided in many situations in Battle Royale and require special weapons such as sniper rifles so that you and your opponents don’t end up in the gulag.

The MORS is one such special weapon that can effortlessly dispatch your enemies even at the longest distances

The anti-matter rifle has excellent stats and is currently unrivaled among sniper rifles. Even walls or the floor itself are apparently no problem for the weapon, as this clip on X has shown

This is how you should play the MORS:

  • Run: Ton Heavy Barrel
  • Laser: SL Razorhawk Laser Light
  • Sight: Forge Tac Delta 4
  • Munition: HVP Anti-Materiel Slug
  • Bolzen: Quick Bolt