Call of Duty: Warzone – Still powerful even after nerfs: The best setup for the LMG TAQ Evolvere


Despite nerfs, nobody can get past the TAQ Evolvere. We have put together the perfect setup for you

With the update on February 13, the previously relatively unknown TAQ Evolvere underwent a few “small” changes that catapulted the light machine gun to the number one spot among the most used weapons in Call of Duty in no time at all. Even a nerf released at short notice did nothing to dampen its popularity.

We took a look at the TAQ Evolvere for you and tell you how you should play it

After Buff, comes Nerf

After every buff in Call of Duty that even slightly overshoots the mark, a nerf will soon follow. The TAQ Evolvere is no exception, and after a rework including massive buffs released on February 13, the LMG has now had to take a few nerfs.

Nevertheless, the weapon is still very popular and quite rightly so. The once so unpopular shooting iron is still a real piece of gold even after the sensitive nerfs and should be worth considering for every player

The weapon is still a more than good choice, especially in Warzone, and still delivers a decent performance at both long and short range.

With the right attachments, some of the nerfs can be compensated for well, but whether this is enough to keep the TAQ Evolvere at the top of the popularity charts remains to be seen.