Call of Duty with Open World? Insider predicts huge change of direction for 2024


The 2024 Call of Duty will most likely be called Black Ops Gulf War and will feel drastically different to all CoDs before it. Says an insider

The campaign of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 has one major strength: It can only go uphill afterwards.

And as luck would have it, a new Call of Duty will also be released in 2024. According to leaks, it’s called Black Ops Gulf War, is being developed by Raven Software and is set – brace yourselves – in the Second Gulf War between Iraq, Kuwait, the USA and other parties to the conflict.

So far, so familiar. The well-known insider Tom Henderson publishes more details in a new report which he claims was leaked to him by anonymous sources. The most important information: Black Ops Gulf War will be an open-world shooter. Literally:

At the moment, the open world is more like Far Cry than Call of Duty. You navigate the map with your squad, move from A to B with vehicles or use a fast travel system.

According to Henderson, Black Ops Gulf War does not want to completely dispense with classic, linear campaign missions, but it is currently still unclear how campaign and open world missions relate to each other.

This open-world trend could be forward-looking for Call of Duty. According to Henderson, there are also initial plans to equip the 2025 Call of Duty with a large game world, but the final word has not yet been written.

CoD 2025 is still in the concept phase without a fixed development studio, everything can still change here.

Quo vadis, Call of Duty?

Even the current Modern Warfare 3 advertises its large sandbox missions as open-world missions; however, this turned out to be largely a marketing ploy at release to conceal half-hearted multiplayer maps with bots that were exported from Warzone and sold as campaign content.

Cynically speaking, of course, Black Ops Gulf War could also face this fate: An open world that ultimately merely recycles the Warzone map in order to be able to write open world on the box.

On the other hand, the campaign of the 2024 CoD is being developed by Raven Software, who have launched the most technically innovative CoD campaign of the last 10 years with Cold War. According to initial information, Gulf War will build on this, for example with the return of an old acquaintance, Russell Adler.

So it remains exciting to see in which direction the series will develop – also in multiplayer, by the way. Will Gulf War take over all the unlocking fuss from MW2 and MW3 or can we expect a tabula rasa like in 2022, where everyone starts from scratch again? A Warzone 3.0 or 4.0, so to speak?

We expect the official unveiling by summer 2024 and will keep you up to date on everything.