COD – All Cold War multiplayer modes at a glance


Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War will feature new multiplayer modes in addition to some classics. We have summarized the old and new ones for you in an overview.

For beginners, but also for experienced Call of Duty players, it is important to know which tasks have to be completed in which mode. With the release of Cold War Tryarch offers besides brand new modes also some changes of some old in-game games. Therefore we have added a little guide to each one.

VIP Escort (new)
This mode is absolutely new in Call of Duty. The goal is to safely escort a player who is randomly designated as a VIP to one of two marked locations. If they manage to protect the higher-value target from the opposing team, they secure the round win. Likewise, the attacking team wins by eliminating the VIP. Another way to win the game is to wipe out the opposing team completely. However, you must remember that a VIP can be resurrected by other players. The first team to win three rounds is the overall winner of the game.

Dirty Bomb (new)
This mode is also brand new. In Dirty Bomb, 40 players, divided into 10 teams of four, will compete to place uranium bombs. A team can place such a bomb if they collect uranium for it, which can be found in distributed chests or in killed players. When a team has collected enough uranium, they can go to the nearest bomb site and activate it. If a “Dirty Bomb” explodes, the resulting radiation wave will destroy all nearby players. Your team will receive points for collecting, killing enemies and detonating bomb spots. The first team to reach the total score wins the game.

Gunfight (playable again!)
Known from Modern Warfare, the Gunfight mode returns in Cold War! Here everything revolves around 2-on-2 combat on smaller maps. Based on rounds, the teams of two fight with different weapon types, which are changed after every second round. After a set number of rounds, the team that has been able to wipe out its opponent most often wins, of course.

Control (playable again!)
A game mode that so far has only appeared in one other CoD title (Black Ops 4). Here there are again two snap points, around which two teams have to duel each other. There is a 90 second countdown per round, which is extended if the attacking team has secured one of the locations. The extension must then be used to conquer the next snap point. If the attacking team conquers both points, they earn one point. The defending team also wins if they can defend even one of these spots over the time limit. The team that first conquers three points wins the game.

Team Deathmatch
Two teams fight for the highest score counted in shots. This mode can be played on different maps and has a time limit of 10 minutes. At the end of the time, the team with the most kills is declared the winner.

Kill Confirmed
Similar to TD, two teams meet each other with the hope to gain the scoreboard lead. The big difference here is that after a shot, the so-called “Dog Tags”, which fall to the ground when a player dies, have to be collected. They count as part of your team scoreboard from the moment they are collected.

There are red tags for one team and blue tags for the other. If you get hit yourself, a dog tag falls down that can be collected by an opponent. You can also pick up the dog tags of your team mates to avoid losing them to your opponent.

*Note: The tags are not collected. If you are put out of action after collecting e.g. 5 tags (no matter if blue or red), only one tag will fall to the ground.

Probably the most popular mode of the CoD series is mainly about conquering and holding three flags. One of them is near your spawn point, one near the enemy base and one in the middle of the map. If you are in range of one of these flags, it will be captured within a certain time window. The time can be reduced if there are multiple allies nearby, but it can also be stopped if enemies are in the same place.

For each flag that is controlled, the team earns points every few seconds.

In Cold War, Domination is divided into two halves. The winner of the first half is the team that earns 100 points first. Then the second half begins, where the overall winner is decided when 200 points are scored.

In Hardpoint it is a matter of a single snap point for both sides. This rotates every 60 seconds through a fixed number of points.

Probably the most popular mode of the CoD series is mainly about conquering and holding three flags. One of them is near your spawn point, one near the enemy base and one in the middle of the map. If you are in range of one of these flags, it will be captured within a certain time window. The time can be reduced if there are multiple allies nearby, but it can also be stopped if enemies are in the same place.

For each flag that is controlled, the team earns points every few seconds.

In Cold War, Domination is divided into two halves. The winner of the first half is the team that earns 100 points first. Then the second half begins, where the overall winner is decided when 200 points are scored.

In Hardpoint it is a matter of a single snap point for both sides. This rotates every 60 seconds through a fixed number of points on the map. Whoever can free this point from enemies, reaps points for every second held. Similar to Domination, the counter stops when enemies are nearby. The first team to reach 250 points is the winner.

Free for All
As the title suggests, everything is open in this mode. You play alone against other solo players in a regular Deathmatch scenario. Just like in TD the game is limited by a fixed time limit.

Search and Destroy
Another player favorite is the Search and Destroy mode, which is based on rounds. Here the teams have to alternately attack or defend two distributed bomb sites. Each round has a time limit of 90 seconds and is decided by successful defending, blowing up the bomb spots with a bomb or the expiration of time. The team that first wins four rounds is the overall winner.

Combined Arms: Assault
In a 12 vs. 12, this mode really gets the job done. At the beginning of the round a neutral snap point is set. If one of the teams was able to capture the point for itself, the next one is placed closer to the opponent’s base. The goal is therefore to capture all the points and, in the end, the opponents’ base. With a well-balanced game, there can often be a fierce back and forth play. For this scenario an extra time starts after a certain time. Here the team that can conquer the next neutral point is declared the winner.

Combined Arms: Domination
This is also a 12 against 12 mode. Instead of typical multiplayer maps, however, vehicles are used on the larger battlefields. There are also several flags spread all over the map that have to be captured. The team that reaches 400 points wins the game.