CoD Modern Warfare 2: The Ghost Perk may not always let you disappear from the radar


The Ghost perk is supposed to make you invisible for reconnaissance. But that doesn’t quite seem to be working at the moment.

Who wouldn’t want that? Just sneak across the map unnoticed by the ubiquitous UAV drones and radars in Modern Warfare 2 and take out enemies like a ghost? The Ghost perk is designed to do just that, hiding you from enemy reconnaissance. In theory. But a YouTube video aims to prove that this ability sometimes fails.

Does the Ghost Perk work?

According to the perk’s description, when active you should be undetectable to UAV drones, wearable radars and heartbeat sensors. So you should never appear as a red dot on the minimap when the opponent uses such devices, no exceptions are mentioned. A powerful ability that is activated as an Ultimate Perk only after a few minutes.

But the well-known YouTuber jackfrags, who mainly produces videos about Call of Duty and Battlefield, now shows that the perk apparently doesn’t always work after all:

This is how you appear on the enemy minimap when firing a weapon – even a silenced one – despite the Ghost perk being active. So if you’re within range of a UAV drone, portable radar or heartbeat sensor, Ghost won’t do you too much good in this case. If there is an advanced drone in the air, you will be shown on the minimap even without firing your weapon, despite the perk.

Is this a bug? This question cannot be answered with final certainty, but we are inclined to agree with the YouTuber: Since you appear on the radar of all three devices, this behaviour could be intentional on the part of the developers. It is more likely that the description of the perk is inaccurate and conveys the wrong idea.

What are the benefits of the Ghost Perk anyway? Nevertheless, the perk still brings you advantages. For example, unlike players without the Perk, you will not be detected by UAV drones and other devices as long as you do not fire your weapon. This can be an advantage for flanking manoeuvres to get behind enemy lines undetected. In the case of the advanced UAV drone, only your last known position is displayed with each ping, while players without a perk are visible on the minimap in real time.

By the way, you can unlock the Ghost Perk when you reach player level 52, or use it as part of a Perk Pack at level 4. We explain how to quickly increase your level (in our guide). The overview of all perks and streaks in Modern Warfare 2 can be found here:

What do you think of the current functionality of the Ghost Perk? Do you think it is well balanced or is it too weak for an ultimate perk? Feel free to post your opinion in the comments!