CoD Modern Warfare 2: Unlock Gold Camo & Weapon Camos – how it works


You want to unlock Weapon Camos and Gold Camo in Call of Duty: MW 2, but don’t know how? Our guide explains the new camo system.

The camo grind is among the important motivators for players who plan to spend the next eons playing CoD Modern Warfare 2 . The nifty gold, platinum and abspact skins not only embellish weapons, but also send a message to fellow players.

Because the new Polyatomic and Orion skins are only given to players who really play a lot. And master all the challenges that come with it. However, the new camo unlock system in CoD MW2 is already making heads turn, as it is very different from its predecessor.

We summarise what you need to know to unlock the Camos of your dreams in the new Call of Duty.

How do I unlock Camos in CoD Modern Warfare 2?

The weapon camo progression system has been adjusted compared to MW 2019 and is supposed to be easier now. However, it can still be very confusing at first.

You now unlock specific camos for each weapon namely. These form the basis for Gold, Platinum, Polyatomic and finally Orion. Each category builds on the other.

How to unlock Camos

First you should decide on a weapon – and then play it exclusively for the time being.

  • Complete the basic camo challenges for the weapon of your choice. A weapon has four specific camo challenges that are unlocked at a certain level. For example, you must achieve a certain number of kills or double kills.
(Use the arrow keys to navigate to the completionist challenges.)
(Use the arrow keys to navigate to the completionist challenges.)
  • Once you have completed the four challenges, you will unlock the Challenge for the Gold Camo for the weapon. With for example ten times three kills without own death the demands are moderate.

    • The Platinum Camo unlocks by unlocking the Gold Camo on the release count of weapons in a category (assault rifle, MP, shotgun, etc.). In the case of assault rifles, that’s eight weapons that you have to gold camo.

    • The new Polyatomic Camo is already considerably more time-consuming You must have unlocked the Platinum Camo for the number of 51 weapons (number of weapons at release). These numbers remain the same even if new weapons are added later. A step up from the 2019 MW where unlocking became more tedious with each season.

    • The final and also new Orion Camo can be unlocked by owning at least 51 weapons with Polyatomic camouflage. A tight march!

    What do you think of the camo grind? Do you like playing for virtual carrots in front of your nose or is gameplay fun enough for you? Let us know in the comments!