CoD Modern Warfare 2: We know a surprising amount about Call of Duty 2022 (UPDATE)


CoD 2022: Reveal of Modern Warfare 2 apparently closer than thought

According to an insider, the first info on Call of Duty 2022 will be available before the end of April – earlier than it’s been in years.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 will in all likelihood be revealed earlier than we’ve been used to in recent years. This is reported by leaker and CoD insider Ralph on Twitter. He posted a graphic with a countdown and the date: April 30, 2022. Now, thanks to Infinity War himself, the indications of an early reveal are growing stronger.

A new Call of Duty every year – it seems that Activision is staying true to this motto in 2022. True, the next part of the shooter series has not yet been officially announced. But thanks to credible leaks, we already know some details about Modern Warfare 2 – which is also spelled Modern Warfare II and is not to be confused with the original MW2.

In this overview we collect all the info on release, gameplay, weapons and so on. We will update the article regularly as soon as news become known. Please keep in mind that there are no official announcements about CoD 2022 yet and consider all leaks with appropriate caution.

What we know so far about the MW2 reveal

(~) Infinity Ward itself fuels speculation: On April 22, Infinity Ward blacked out the banner and profile picture of the in-house (Twitter) – and (Instagram) accounts without warning. Under normal circumstances, virtually nothing can be made out in either image, but when brightened up, one of the most prominent characters in the Modern Warfare series can be made out: Ghost!

(~) Who is Ghost? The soldier with the skull mask is an icon of the MW series and part of Captain Price’s Task Force 141. In the original MW2 from 2009, Ghost (his real name is Simon Riley) was betrayed and murdered by General Shepherd.

(~) What does this mean? This fuels speculation and rumours of an imminent Modern Warfare 2 reveal from the developer himself. There are also rumours circulating about a playtest where first players can try MW2 and give feedback as early as 25 April

Diverse leaks have caused excitement on Twitter about the upcoming Call of Duty game Modern Warfare II. We have summarised the information for you.

Hidden CoD Teaser

On April 22, CoD developer Infinity Ward completely blacked out its Twitter profile picture, briefly causing confusion within the community. A short time later, however, fans got to work and discovered a hidden hint to the upcoming Call of Duty game, whose release is expected for autumn.

After the resourceful internet detectives used technical aids to lighten the pitch-black profile picture, they were able to discover a face belonging to an old acquaintance from the Modern Warfare series. Simon “Ghost” Riley was a member of Taskforce 141 and was previously considered to be deceased. The picture therefore gives rise to speculation as to what time Modern Warfare II will be set or whether Riley was actually killed.

Changes to the Weaponry

CoD leaker “TheGhostOfHope” sweetened the weekend for Call of Duty fans when he presented the first information about Modern Warfare II’s future weaponry on his Twitter account, also on 22 April. According to the leak, there will only be five weapon attachments in the future instead of ten as before. Even though the ten attachments introduced by Vanguard create interesting combination possibilities, it complicates the balancing and thus always makes for unintentionally strong weapons.

TheGhostOfHope, who is considered a reliable source for CoD leaks, had already announced a possible change of the Perks for Modern Warfare II in March. It seems the developers want to go back to the old Call of Duty values to simplify the game a bit again. In Vanguard alone, for example, there are currently over 200 different weapon attachments, making it difficult for both developers and the community to even keep track of them.

Playtest already this week?

Another leaker made a splash last weekend with an announcement. On 23 April, CoD insider “RalphsValve” tweeted that, according to his source, “reliable SoCal residents and influencers” had been invited to take part in a playtest for Modern Warfare II. The new CoD game could thus be further along in its development than many thought, which could argue for a release this autumn.

Leaker veteran Tom Henderson confirmed RalphsValve’s report with a simple green tick. After the disappointing release of CoD: Vanguard 2021, expectations are correspondingly high and many fans are hoping for nothing less than the best Call of Duty in years. Until then, however, we will have to continue playing Vanguard & Warzone and look forward to the (new Season), which will be released on 27 April.

What do we know about the maps?

According to the leaker (RalphsValve), the maps in Modern Warfare 2 are supposed to be more like the maps like in the shooter perennial Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Specifically, this should mean that the maps will be more unique and diverse so that they gain a higher replayability – similar to CS:GO, where Dust2, Inferno and other classics have been played up and down for years.

According to Twitter user @WarzoneQG, this map could be designed around the Search & Destroy game mode. He also shows an example of a possible map layout:

What does Modern Warfare 2 do to Warzone?

According to Videogameschronicles, a new map for the Battle Royale will be released again in 2022, composed of well-known multiplayer maps from the first Modern Warfare 2. For example Favela, Quarry and Terminal. According to the latest information, this is the DMZ map. It is likely that this map will replace Caldera in CoD Warzone at the end of 2022 – just as Verdansk disappeared with the release of CoD Vanguard.

What do leaks reveal about CoD Modern Warfare 2 (2022)?

What is the setting of CoD 2022?

According to insiders like Tom Henderson, it will be Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, i.e. a modern scenario. Specifically, it will be about the drug war of Colombian cartels, Task Force 141 is to return.

This time it’s said to be the turn of developer studio Infinity Ward again, who have traditionally been responsible for the MW series, most recently Modern Warfare (2019) was released by them. As usual, Activision will act as publisher.

Is there a campaign in Modern Warfare 2?

Yes, there is said to be a classic solo campaign again with familiar faces appearing. New is allegedly a morality system with decisions, as the website ( wants to have verified: It is supposed to work similar to Red Dead Redemption 2 and have great influence on the course of the campaign.

Allegedly, the dark story is inspired by films like (Sicario) and (No Country for Old Men) – and also shows a corresponding degree of violence. Even the predecessor Modern Warfare (2019) relied on some brutal shock moments:

What is known about the multiplayer?

According to the Twitter account RalphsValve, which claims to have insider information, there will be a completely new mode that is reminiscent of Hazard Zone from Battlefield 2042 and Escape From Tarkov. The focus is said to be on realistic gameplay, you collect loot and then head to an extraction point.

Your movement speed is said to be slower, there is also talk of a marketplace and a points-based weaponsmith, where you have to earn attachments first. In this mode, 25 to 30 players will compete per round, in solos, duos, trios and quads. It will exist independently of the normal multiplayer and Warzone.

Learned from R6 Siege: Attack vs. Defence

But the leaker RalphsValve also wants info on another mode. It is supposed to be reminiscent of the game principle of Rainbow Six: Siege and runs under the project name Attackers vs. Defenders. The title already reveals what it will be about.

A team must fulfil certain objectives on the map or eliminate or destroy objects, the opposing party in turn must prevent this intention and defend the affected points. A time limit limits the duration of a game. This is how a round is supposed to go:

Defenders try to stop the attackers. They barricade themselves in tactically important places, spy out the opponents’ route and lay traps.
Attackers try to storm the target area. Among other things, they use Vanguard’s advanced dynamic level destruction to invade)) 2B

According to the leaker’s information, the attackers determine their squad leader at the beginning of a round, but his exact role within the group is not explained further. Which special functions are available to him therefore remains unclear. Between rounds, it should be possible to choose a new leader every time.

The defenders should have a number of options at their disposal to prevent the attackers from reaching their goal or at least delay their progress. These should include hidden positions, booby traps and cameras – the latter could be used to know exactly from which side the attackers are approaching or what they are up to.

If a player is wounded, he can reach one of three states: lightly wounded, critically wounded or fatally wounded. To help your comrades back on their feet in battle, bandages are to be used to strangle bleeding wounds. Depending on the severity of the injury, however, this should take a correspondingly long time, which could give the other side an advantage.

The game mode is to take place on a map reminiscent of the infamous CQB test at the beginning of the campaign in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, a kind of training ground. The map in Attackers vs. Defenders, however, is said to be significantly larger.

What does Modern Warfare 2 do with Warzone?

According to Videogameschronicles, a new map for the Battle Royale is to be released again in 2022, composed of well-known multiplayer maps from the first Modern Warfare 2. For example Favela, Quarry and Terminal. It is not known whether this map will then replace Caldera or whether the two will exist in parallel.

For which platforms will Modern Warfare 2 be released?

Officially nothing is known about this yet either. However, a release for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X can be safely assumed. It will then be exciting to see whether the LastGen consoles are still strong enough to run MW2 on them. It could become the first pure CurrentGen title – we’ll keep you posted!

When will Modern Warfare 2 be released?

Not even an official announcement of CoD 2022 yet, so of course no release date yet. We can probably expect the release again in November. The Reveal should be a few weeks or months before that. Allegedly, the development is currently progressing well and is even ahead of schedule.