COD – New playlist update pending


The Season 5 is in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone since one week. Now the first playlist update is pending. It’s coming.

The developers Infinity Ward are known for changing the playlists to give players more variety. Now the first update of Season 5 is coming. Normally the new features will be available on our live servers in the evening, around 19:00 to 21:00. So everyone in the community should have a new playlist to play by tomorrow at the latest.

What does the playlist update bring?

Players who like fast and action-packed gameplay will be pleased. There will return a mode in Modern Warfare that is very popular with the community – Shoot the Ship. These are very small cards: Shoot House and Shipment. You can play almost everything on the maps. From knives, shotguns to snipers.

Furthermore a new mode comes into play – Bare Bones. In this mode you play with your firearms, grenades and secondary equipment only. The rest is disabled. Here Infinity Ward focuses on pure Aimtraining – only you and your weapon against the opponents. A good mode to warm up.

In Warzone not much changes this week. The Mini-Royal mode remains. This is also a faster version of the normal Battle Royale mode.

With the weekly playlist updates, the developers make sure that a fresh wind comes into your game. This way the community never gets bored and can always play something new.