CoD pro pissed about CDL team salaries: “It makes me sick”

CoD professional angry about CDL


Despite supposedly high money, professionals are said to be underpaid. Dallas Empire player Crimsix shares his critical thoughts on the Call of Duty League and salaries.

Esports have not only become more popular in recent years, but also more popular. With the popularity, the salaries and earnings of the players:inside have also risen. In titles like League of Legends, each off-season offers new, record-breaking contracts. Before the start of the 2021 season, a 6 million contract was quickly eclipsed by TSM’s 11 million takeover.

According to many reports and opinions from the community, Call of Duty is financially atrophying in contrast to other Esports titles. Although the Call of Duty League offers a minimum of US$50,000, there is reportedly a maximum of US$1.5 million. Unlike other esports disciplines, however, information on player contracts in the CDL is not readily available. Therefore, reliable averages or even lower and upper limits can hardly be determined.

One of the greatest CoD pros of all time, Ian “Crimsix” Porter, spoke out on the issue and gave his stream viewers:in an insight into the current state of CoD contracts. In his stream on Wednesday, Crimsix said, “If a third of the league is only paying the minimum salaries necessary, that’s a huge problem. ”

Crimsix: No one is addressing the problem

Crimsix claims that most teams in the CDL would only pay their players the bare minimum. “It makes me sick,” insists the long-time top player. The Major winner also says that this problem is completely preventable but nothing is being done about it. “People who could stop them and say it’s not right just don’t say anything about it,” he explains.

Last CDL season, Atlanta FaZe lifted the trophy at the end of the event. During the break, there will again be changes within the league and lively exchanges between the participating teams. During this time, salaries will probably also become an even more frequent topic.