CoD Pro Simp – How to make a name for yourself in Esports!

‎CoD pro Simp
‎CoD pro Simp

Unlike other games, the path to becoming a CoD pro is not clearly defined. FaZe pro Simp tells you how to get to the top.

While in other esports games clear paths for aspiring pros are already established, no one knows exactly how teams in Call of Duty pick their new players. FaZe pro Chris “Simp” Lehr sheds some light. We had the chance to speak ahead of the 5th Major in the Call of Duty League, which will be broadcast LIVE on ProSieben MAXX from 11pm on 1 August.

“Make a name for yourselves. Play the Challengers Cups and collect your Pro Points,” he explains. With this, Simp alludes to the official cups of the Call of Duty League Challengers. With a team, you can register here, earn points and get your name in the conversation.

If you are extremely good, you can take part in the Elite Qualifiers and not only collect Pro Points, but even win prize money. The tournaments are divided into regions: You can only play against other European teams.

If you get this far as a player, you already have good chances against the big teams. According to Simp, it also helps if you are active on social media and build up a community. For the teams and sponsors, of course, your reach is also important.