CoD: Vanguard Bug – When Man’s Best Friend Takes Revenge


A bug that the CoD developers just don’t seem to want to remove from the game lets guard dogs attack their own owner:s.

A bug in Call of Duty: Vanguard made one player painfully aware that man’s best friend can also stab you in the back very quickly.

Through a 6-player killstreak, Vanguard players receive the support of a guard dog that helps them defend against enemies. It can either follow them wherever they go or defend selected points on the map and maul anything that gets in its way.

Not only enemies as targets

A Reddit user now posted a clip from one of his games where his guard dog even attacks him.

If you take a look at the mini-map, you will notice that the dog is even shown as an enemy object before the attack – right after it has been called. CoD players have been reporting bugs in connection with the furry helpers for years. Previously, this was usually explained by the fact that those affected were standing between the animal and an enemy when calling for help.

Bug has existed for a long time

The bug, however, seems to be nothing new for quite some time. In September, for example, it already occurred with professional player Seth “Scump” Abner.

Since then, developer Slegdehammer Games still doesn’t seem to have taken care of the problem. So far, there has been no official statement from the studio or publisher Activision.