CoD Vanguard: Reveal in Warzone as early as this week, title confirmed

‎CoD Vanguard Reveal in Warzone already this week
‎CoD Vanguard Reveal in Warzone already this week

The PlayStation Store has revealed what the next Call of Duty will be called and when it will be unveiled. And here’s how you can be at the Reveal in Warzone.

Now the info on Call of Duty: Vanguard is also official – and there is a first teaser trailer. The new CoD will indeed be unveiled on 19 August 2021 in Warzone. The World War II scenario is also confirmed in the first video:

How to take part in the Vanguard reveal.
When and where? If you want to attend the reveal live, you’ll need to be in Warzone next Thursday at 7:30pm. Remember to download the latest update well in advance.

What is there to see? The Reveal Event called “Battle of Verdansk” is still a mystery. All that is known so far is that you can earn double XP for one hour from 6:30 pm – no matter which playlist you play. The actual unveiling will then take place live in Warzone, with more info to follow shortly. We’ll keep you updated, of course.

PlayStation Store confirms Vanguard reveal
When and how will Vanguard be revealed? The reveal will take place on Thursday, 19 August 2021 at 19:30 German time. And it will be like Cold War in the Battle Royale Warzone. Leakers and experts had suspected this for some time, and the information from PlayStation cleared up the last doubts.

The information from the Sony shop was probably published too early. In the meantime, however, the CoD developers themselves have confirmed that the data is correct with a teaser trailer and blog entry.

What is still unclear? So far it is not known how exactly the Reveal in Warzone will take place and whether there will only be a trailer or already gameplay to see. In Black Ops: Cold War, the reveal was preceded by a weeks-long campaign in which new Easter Eggs constantly appeared.

With Vanguard, the developers are apparently taking a more direct approach – even though there are already clear hints of the WW2 CoD in Warzone Season 5.

When will Vanguard be released? This is still unknown, but Activision has confirmed several times that it will be in 2021. We currently expect a release in the autumn, i.e. in October or November. If you always want to stay up to date, then you are in good hands in our big Vanguard-FAQ.