CoD Warzone 2 Guide: Quickly collect money for loadouts and weapons – this is how it works


If you want your favourite weapons and equipment in Call of Duty’s new Battle Royale, you need hard cash. We’ll show you how to find or earn money.

Money makes the world go round, even in Warzone 2, where you’ll need to hustle some dollar notes to acquire your preferred weapons and equipment at buy stations. But what is the fastest way to get money? We’ve collected a few tips and special places for you that should make it easy to cash in thousands of dollars in no time.

By the way, if your primary concern in Warzone 2 is not so much the loadout but finding the right landing point, we can also help you out:

CoD Warzone 2: Loadout drops are back – you decide if the feature stays

How much money do I need?

If you only want one of your carefully selected and customised weapons, you will pay with the latest patch 2,500 dollars at a purchase station. If you want a full loadout with weapons and equipment, you will have to invest more: If you play with a team, you will have to pay an additional 8,000 dollars for each member. It then costs 16,000, 24,000 or 32,000 dollars.

Where do you find money anyway?

In Warzone 2, loot is supposed to be distributed contextually appropriate in many cases. This means that you will find medical supplies in hospitals and first aid kits, weapons and ammunition in military facilities and large amounts of money where it belongs, such as in the cash registers of shops and shops. But if you don’t want to go on a shopping spree all over Al Mazrah, there are also a few places where you can find a lot of money in one fell swoop:

  • Pizza shop in Al Mazrah City
  • Sawah Village
  • Safecracker jobs
  • Secret Supplies

Pizza shop in Al Mazrah City

In the centre of the big city you will find a shop with a whole row of cash registers. Each of these cash registers spits out several hundred dollars, so one visit here should be enough to finance a new weapon at the buying station next door. But be careful: there are often a lot of players in the city at the beginning, so you could have competition.

Sawah Village

In the flooded village at the southern edge of the map you can also collect a lot of money right at the beginning of the match. Land on the building with the blue outlined roof and jump from there onto one of the balconies below. In the fortress you will find lots of equipment and money.

However, it can happen that AI enemies suddenly spawn that were not there at the beginning. By then you will most likely have been able to get hold of excellent weapons and ideally make short work of your AI colleagues. Since most of the doors cannot be opened from the outside, you will also have peace and quiet from other players.

Safecracker Orders

In Al Mazrah you will find numerous missions spread across the map, which are marked with a green telephone symbol. The most lucrative are the safecracker missions, which reward you with plenty of cash. If you are travelling with a squad, you can also crack several safes at the same time. You don’t need a code here, just C4. When you complete the mission, you will receive another 4,000 dollars, in addition to the loot and money from the safes.

Secret Supplies

Scattered around the map you can also find secret stashes that resemble small round boxes and contain valuable equipment, as well as often several thousand dollars in cash. Wandering around the map looking for them is of course less expedient. But there are some places where several of these secret camps can be found, as diligent players have already discovered:

The oasis on the north-western edge of the map is very promising. Players rarely land here and you can usually loot the valuable chests in peace. The only disadvantage is that the stashes are sometimes quite difficult to find, but the map above is a valuable help here. If you want to take a closer look at the different locations, you can use the map above.

Do you have some tricks and tips on how to get money the fastest? Feel free to let us know in the comments!