CoD Warzone 2: Looten wie früher – Entwickler enthüllen wichtige Änderung für Season 2


With Season 2, Call of Duty: Warzone 2 returns to its old strengths. The developers reveal what will change about the Battle Royale’s loot mechanics, among other things.

Season 2 of Call of Duty: Warzone 2 will fundamentally change its loot mechanics. Strictly speaking, we are returning to a system that players already know from the first Warzone.

Unsurprisingly, the announcement by the developers at Raven Software is already causing excitement among fans.

This is what changes to Warzone 2 looting in Season 2

This is how looting currently works: In Warzone 2, players currently have to dig through boxes and backpacks of fallen enemies to grab valuable loot. This effectively means clicking through menus to add weapons and items to our inventory.

This was the reaction of many players: This system was not well received by Warzone players from the beginning. Numerous fans criticised Warzone 2 for being too much like the mechanics of competing Battle Royales, rather than what made the first Warzone so unique.

This will be different in Season 2: The developers of Warzone 2 have now announced an important change for the upcoming season. In the future, players will no longer have to click through a menu, instead, the loot from crates or the inventory of killed enemies will be flushed to the ground 

This makes it possible to see what valuable goods are waiting for you even from a distance, which not only makes it easier to keep track. Players can thus more easily assess whether it is worth taking a risk for the potential loot. Those who have played the first Warzone will of course already be familiar with this loot principle.

What fans say about the change: Among the comments on the announcement, a large number of commentators are really pleased about the promised change. Not only that, with Raven Software now back in charge of communications themselves, players are increasingly hoping that Warzone 2 will return more to the old strengths of its predecessor.

As mentioned earlier, many players of Warzone 2 criticise design decisions and changes that rob the CoD battle royale of its uniqueness. With the announced overhaul of the Loot mechanic, many see a development in the right direction.

What else Warzone 2 players can expect in Season 2

Originally, Season 2 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 was supposed to launch back in early February. However, the developers announced that it will not be until 15 February 2023. With the release of the latest season, there will of course be a new Battle Pass, as well as a few important innovations and changes.

CoD fans can look forward to new maps, modes and weapons as well as Ranked Play. Especially for Warzone 2, the launch of a new, smaller map and the return of the Resurgence mode are also planned. In addition, the Gulag will also be turned back towards the first Warzone!

What are your hopes and expectations for Season 2 for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2? What do you think needs to happen in both games to keep you tuned in? Let us know in the comments!