CoD Warzone & Cold War: Gloomy trailer sets the mood for Season 1


A cinematic trailer shows more from Season 1 Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War and Warzone: The new Maps Mall at the Pines and Rebirth Island, the new operator Stitch and his enmity with Russell Adler.

Rebirth Island: Behind it is a new warzone map, which is actually not that new. It’s probably a remake of Alcatraz from Black Ops. Probably the map will be playable in a separate mode. Here you can read more about Rebirth Island.

Mall at the Pines: A new multiplayer map for Cold War – you fight in a shopping mall with a lot of 80s flair.

Operator Stitch: The Russian ex-KGB man’s full name is Vikhor Kuzmin. He was in charge of the program to develop the nerve gas “Nova 6” on Rebirth Island. He has a bitter enmity with Russell Adler, who plays a leading role in the solo campaign. By the way, you already know something else from the trailer from the story – the safehouse where you planned missions is being stormed by Stitch.