CoD Warzone: Common bugs in Season 1 and what you can do about them


Call of Duty: Warzone starts into the Pacific Season – and Caldera is plagued by problems. We collect possible solutions for audio and graphics bugs.

It’s probably no surprise to anyone that the big season launch of Call of Duty: Warzone is not without its stumbles. Accordingly, the bug reports are piling up – and the full launch is still to come on 9 December.

In this article we collect annoying bugs and possible solutions. If new bugs appear or a fix solves them, we will of course update our overview directly.

Audio bugs

There are apparently several annoying problems with the sound on the new Pacific map at the moment. Among other things, air strikes are extremely loud, even when they happen far away from you. Presumably the volume will be lowered in an upcoming fix, but until then you’ll have to help yourself with the sound controls.

Bug: Audio problems within the team

What is this? Some players report that their team members can hear them, but it doesn’t work the other way around. So you talk, but no sound comes through to you. Impractical if you want to talk to each other.

What can I do about it? The unofficial info portal ModernWarzone shared a possible fix that, according to comments, has at least made things better for some. Change your default sound device to your headset in the PC settings, not in the game itself

If you’re playing with friends, it’s best to switch directly to another program like Discord.

Bug: Sound breaks off

What is this? On Reddit, several players report that the sound on Caldera completely stops every few seconds, and then they can’t hear music, gunshots or footsteps. Others don’t seem to have this problem at all.

What can I do about it? Not much at the moment, except to check your sound settings extra thoroughly. Probably the error is not on your PC, but on the server side. Hopefully a fix will be released soon.

Graphics bugs

The launch of Season 1 has brought back an edgy old acquaintance – hopefully only briefly. Basically, the graphics problems seem to crop up mostly on consoles, where there are reports of abysmal resolution, annoying popping of trees and so on.

Bug: Polygons instead of weapon

What is this? If you’ve been playing Warzone for a while, you might be familiar with this graphics bug. Sometimes a weapon you pick up explodes into a dark splinter pile of polygons. Occasionally, the entire operator will look like this.

What can I do? Call an exorcist. All joking aside, unfortunately there is currently no solution to this graphics bug other than to wait for a fix from the developers. However, you can switch to another weapon, which will then (mostly) look normal again. The bug is said to occur particularly frequently with the new STG44.

Bug: Textures popping up or blurry

What is this? Console gamers in particular report such graphics problems, but similar reports also trickle in from the PC. The whole thing might look like this:

What can I do? Try to see if it improves if you switch off the texture streaming in the graphics options. Otherwise, we’ll have to wait for an official fix.

Apart from hotfixes, which are planned according to Raven Software’s (Trello-Board), there are many more innovations in store for Season 1. A complete overview and roadmap for Warzone Pacific can be found here:

If you encounter any bugs or technical problems, please let us know in the comments! We will then include any errors that occur frequently in the article accordingly.