CoD Warzone & MW: Last major update before Cold War – what’s in it?


The last major patch before Cold War includes two popular MW playlists, and a test run for Private Warzone. Operator and weapons, however, are a long time coming.

It’s time again: Call of Duty: Warzone and Modern Warfare get another big update. It is the last regular patch before the launch of Black Ops: Cold War on November 13th. Meanwhile, the official patch notes for 1.29 have arrived – and they contain some surprises.

The most important questions about Update 1.29
How big is the download? The exact size for the PC version is not yet known, but PlayStation owners can already download the patch: On the console it is about 33 GB. Usually the updates are a bit larger on the PC.

When will the update go live? It is already available, so you can download it now.

What’s in it? A short summary: Warzone gets a beta for private Battle Royale, Modern Warfare still has the two most popular grind playlists active and you get more options to streamline your downloads.

The complete patch notes: You can find the complete list of all changes and bug fixes on page 2 of this article.

Warzone: Private Matches in test run
A beta to private matches in Warzone has been launched without prior notice. So after the new update you can try out how Battle Royale and Plunder work in your own lobbies. These modes are available for this purpose:

– Battle Royale (with squad variations): 50 players needed to start
– Plunder (with squad variations): 30 players needed to start
– Mini Battle Royale: 24 players needed to start

Weekly playlist rotation in Warzone: This week you play Battle Royale as a solo, duo, trio or quad. Furthermore, Plunder Trios are active again.

MW: Shipment and Shoot House
In Multiplayer there is also – as usual – a new playlist rotation. Shipment and Shoot House 24/7 remain active, which should please many players. The two maps will be demanded under every announcement of the developers. Due to their compact size and the fast gameplay they are perfect for grind.

Weekly playlist rotation in Modern Warfare:

– Ground War
– Gunfight
– TDM Snipers Only
– Hardpoint Hills and Kills
– Shipment 24/7
– Shoot House 24/7

HR textures are now downloaded in the background
Currently, the developers are working on streamlining the often absurdly large downloads of Call of Duty – or at least making them more bearable for players. For example, you can now uninstall single data packages:

Now there’s another feature: After update 1.29 you can download high-resolution textures in the background while you’re already playing. Meanwhile you can use on-demand textures.

Are there any new features missing in the patch notes?
It’s not uncommon that some new features are missing in the official patch notes of Infinity Ward, although they are in the corresponding update – this was the case with the new shotgun.

Often, store bundles are only unlocked later, even though they are already in the update. We are very sure that the following new additions are part of the patch and will be released soon:

Operator Griggs: The Sergeant already appeared in the campaign of CoD 4 Now he also lands in multiplayer with the “Sgt. Griggs Operator Bundle”. It contains the new operator with one skin, three weapon blueprints and six cosmetics. But probably you can’t buy it in the store before next week.
The Butterfly Knife: The new melee weapon was introduced in the roadmap for Season 6, but so far there is no trace of it. Update 1.29 would be one of the last chances to release the knife before the end of Season.
Is the Makarov coming? It could also be that the much anticipated Makarov pistol will appear with update 1.29. It was already discovered in the game, but textures were still missing. However, it is quite possible that it will be completed later.

What about content from Cold War? At least the new operators should all be in the current update. After all, they should be playable in Warzone by the launch of Black Ops: Cold War on November 13th. Whether the announced new weapons are already part of the patch and will be unlocked later is not known.