CoD Warzone Season 5: All about launch time, weapons, maps, patch notes and more

CoD Warzone Season 5
CoD Warzone Season 5

The next season of Call of Duty: Warzone and Black Ops: Cold War is coming up. We gather all the info on release and content.

The end of Season 4 in Call of Duty: Warzone and Black Ops: Cold War is getting closer and closer. So what about Season 5? It is already in the starting blocks, which is why there is now also an official overview of the changes and innovations in the form of an image, which you can find below. There are quite a few new features for both games, which is why we’ll tell you all about them in this overview.

Players’ best hope: Warzone’s cheater problem has always been a big issue – but the current state of affairs is dire. Increasingly brazen offers to cheat, hacking actions and a lack of anti-cheat protection mean that cheaters are in many lobbies. Whether this will change in Season 5 remains to be seen.

This is what we know about Season 5 in Warzone

Release: When does Season 5 start

The current Season 4 ends on August 10, 2021, and this time it will continue seamlessly afterwards: The developers announced that Season 5 will start on August 12, 2021, which corresponds to August 13, 2021 for us due to the time zone. The download is usually possible before then, we will keep you up to date.

The individual seasons last about two months – it will almost certainly be the case again this time. Season 5 will probably accompany you until October. A first cinematic trailer reveals what you can expect:

All about the new Perks in Season 5

The most important new features in Season 5 are the two new Perks Combat Scout and Tempered. These are the first two perks exclusive to Warzone. The previous selection still resembled the portfolio from Modern Warfare. This could breathe new life into the entire game balance, because in the past months there were really only a few standard perks that almost every player chose. What we know so far about the two new perks:

Combat Scout: With this perk, an operator receives a lot of information about the current battle action. You could even call it a kind of wallhack. Because with it, hit enemies are marked in bright orange and automatically pinged. This is a great advantage, especially with enemies who are hiding in buildings that are difficult to see or behind good cover. Of course, communication with squad members is paramount here.

Entscheidet ihr euch für das Perk Tempered, halten eure Rüstungsplatten einiges mehr aus.

Tempered: As the name already suggests, this perk benefits the armour. Because then it is enough to have only two armour plates instead of three in order to be considered fully equipped. Each armour plate can withstand 75 points of damage instead of 50 before it gives up the ghost. Those who choose Tempered, however, will have to do without the second perk slot.

What new weapons are there in Season 5?
Usually, at least two new weapons appear with each season, some of which are only unlocked in the course of time. Season 5 brings three new weapons directly at launch and one more in the course of the season.

These are the four weapons for Season 5:

EM2 (Launch): The assault rifle is supposed to convince with its range and precision. However, it only has a low rate of fire.

TEC-9 (Launch): The semi-automatic SMG is supposed to be easy to handle and show its full effect at medium range. On the other hand, it does not fire particularly fast.

Marshal (Mid-Season): This weapon combines elements of a pistol and a shotgun and provides powerful damage at short range, even up to a one-shot.

Walking Cane (Launch): If you want to sneak around like a true gentleman, you can simply use the walking stick to strike in close combat and take out the opponent.

The Akimbo Tec-9 submachine guns can already be seen on the official cover artwork:

Since there was already no Sniper released in Season 4, many players might have hoped that Season 5 would bring a new model here as well. However, this is not the case at this point in time.

Maps: What map changes are there in Season 5?

Gulag: For Season 5, the Rush map from Black Ops 2 will make its return. More specifically, its familiar paintball area, which should help the speed of the fights due to the layout.

In Season 5 bekommt der Gulag mal wieder einen neuen Anstrich verpasst. Die enge Paintball-Arena verspricht sehr schnelle Gefechte.

Verdansk: As the story continues to progress, with Season 5 there will be several mobile radio stations as POIs all over the map. These will spawn in different places in each game to make the search more varied. But that’s not all: There will also be other POIs, the backgrounds of which you will have to find out for yourself.

There is also a small change to the red doors
: According to the developers, they should be even more hectic and thus more unpredictable in Season 5, as far as their spawn behaviour is concerned. They are also said to be connected to an in-season event, which is currently still being kept secret.

In Season 5 spawnen überall auf der Verdanks-Map mobile Funkstationen als neue POIs.

Modes: Is there a new mode in Season 5?

Yes, there is: The so-called Clash Mode is coming in the course of the season and is supposed to be a kind of evolution of the popular Rumble mode. That means above all: Action-packed 50v50 battles will return. That means you can imagine a kind of deathmatch on a very large scale, in which players choose their loadouts and go into battle.

Each successful kill adds one point to your squad’s account. The first player to accumulate 200 points wins the match. During the match, however, players must also try to complete certain missions and other events during the course of a round.

What new operators are there in Season 5?

There will be four new operators in Season 5. Three of them are available for you to choose from right at the start:

Striker: A Robocop-like NATO soldier who is described as a true one-man army. He is the result of a military project from the 80s and is driven by the quest to stand out from the crowd with his abilities.

Hudson: Also a NATO member and a good friend of Adler’s, as well as a former interrogation partner of Weaver’s.

Kitsune: A Japanese thief and hacker working for the Warsaw Pact. Born in Kobe, Kitsune left her criminal family at an early age to join Perseus and espouse the values he propagated.

Soap: There is also a special surprise waiting for series fans who have been with us since the old CoD parts – the catch: this operator is only available in the shop together with the new SMG CX-9.

You can get a visual impression of the new operators in our picture gallery:

What about the new Battle Pass?

Of course, there will also be a new Battle Pass in Season 5, which as always comes in a free and a premium variant and offers 100 ranks to unlock. Like its predecessors, the complete edition will contain more unlockable cosmetics and will most likely cost 10 euros again. The developers would like to reveal more details about this in the coming weeks.

When will the NextGen version of Warzone be released?

The usually very reliable website ModernWarzone claims: Console players will get the upgrade for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S for Season 5. This is according to a leaked blog entry from developer Raven Software, which is to be officially released shortly.

It is likely that performance boosts will be included alongside graphical improvements. Many players also hope for adjustable FOV sliders for Warzone.

How big will the update for Season 5 be?

A concern of many players with a slow internet connection. But unfortunately, the developers have not yet commented on the file size of the update that will have to be downloaded for the start of Season 5. In Season 4, it was 9.2 GB for PC players, which should serve as a rough guide.

What else is happening in Season 5 of Warzone?

New Prestige Levels: With the start of Season 5, you will now be able to level up a total of 23 Prestige Levels and bag more rewards as a result.

The last season? Presumably this is the last season before the launch of CoD: Vanguard, which is still scheduled for release in 2021. The new Call of Duty will once again be unveiled in Warzone, like its predecessor Black Ops: Cold War. So it stands to reason that events in Season 5 will lead up to the reveal.

What happens in Season 5 of Cold War?

Naturally, there will also be new content for Black Ops: Cold War with Season 5. We have also summarised this for you:

New game modes: With the new Double Agent mode, Cold War almost resembles the indie hit Among Us. Here, ten players are assigned a specific role. The biggest role is played by the eponymous double agents, whose objective is either to eliminate their fellow players or to place bombs on the map. The remaining players have to find out which of them is a double agent before it is too late.

The gameplay trailer for the Double Agent mode shows you what the game looks like in action:

The Demolition mode known from numerous predecessors also celebrates a comeback. However, not at the launch of Season 5 like Double Agent, but at a later date.

New Maps: There will be a total of five new maps for Cold War in Season 5. “Echelon” (6v6), “Slums” (6v6), “Showroom” (2v2/3v3), “Drive-In” (6v6) and “Zoo” (6v6).

Zombie Mode
: Season 5 will also provide new content for Zombie Mode. There is a new Outbreak region called “Collateral”. Fittingly, a new vehicle, namely the tank, will also be integrated. In terms of equipment, there is a new weapon, the Grapple Gun. Finally, there is the new perk Death Perception.