CoD Warzone: Secrets of the Pacific – All secret locations, challenges & objects




The new map Caldera for Call of Duty: Warzone starts with a scavenger hunt on Verdansk. Here you can find out all the Intel locations.

In Call of Duty: Warzone, the Secrets of the Pacific scavenger hunt event is taking place, kicking off the transition to the new Pacific map Caldera. Now you have to find lots of scraps of information on the Verdansk map in Battle Royale. And, very importantly, survive long enough to complete the respective task. As a reward, there are a number of goodies – and at the end a cute skin for the StG44 from CoD Vanguard.

As soon as you have collected a clue, you will find out how many circular closures you have to survive in order for your attempt to count as a success. Now all you have to do is hold out long enough! It is a good idea to avoid fights and hide. Don’t forget: The event will only take place in classic Battle Royale.

We will help you to find all Intel pieces. Use the following map for orientation, on which we have marked all six locations:


1. hint-location Jailbreak

Let’s go in the prison: Go to the prison and search the area near the showers. There you should find a ping pong paddle lying on a bench near some lockers. Interact with it to trigger the info rag and you will be told your conditions. Now you have to survive!

Once you have done this, you will be rewarded with the Marina Street profile wallpaper.


2. hint-location On the Air

Continue at the electrical shop: Between the train station and the west promenade in CoD: Warzone is an electronics shop. Go inside and look for a microphone stand on the northwest wall. This will trigger the second clue. Now the game starts all over again: Survival is the order of the day!

An achievement rewards you with the Emblem Local Radio.

3. clue location Fast Food

Visit the airport: Inside you will find a large burger joint. Look for a raised seating area with an ATM near it. An interaction triggers the start of the event, now it’s bare survival again!

The reward is the Volcanic Souvenir pendant.

4. hint-location On Your Feet

Now go to the hospital: In the basement of the main building you will find an operating room. On the operating table is a blue first aid kit, which triggers the fourth clue. Speaking of the medipack: Now you have to survive at all costs to complete this part of the event!

If you manage to do so, you can stick the Naval Plan sticker on your gun in CoD: Warzone.

The event brings you the Bomber Menace blueprint for the StG44 from Vanguard.
The event brings you the Bomber Menace blueprint for the StG44 from Vanguard.


5. clue-location abandoned

Descend into the abandoned mines: The fifth clue is found in an open mine shaft. Near one of the westernmost buildings you will find a rope that you can use to descend into the mine. The fifth piece of Intel is waiting by a crate of dynamite. From now on you should urgently avoid explosives, because now your survival is crucial!

Stay among the mortals long enough and you’ll be rewarded with the Familiar Machinery spray.

6. clue-location Secrets

Now it gets a little tricky: The sixth and final clue can be found in one of the three bunkers that we have marked on the map above under 6a-c. Go to one of the locations and look around carefully to find the last of the required clues. And as always, only those who stay alive long enough can complete the event at the end!

The reward is the Hospital Resort profile wallpaper – and of course the StG44 skin Bomber Menace.

CoD Warzone: New map revealed, all info and pictures

You can find out what else there is to know about the upcoming Caldera map in the article above.