CoD Warzone turns many essays upside down in Season 2, which ones are worthwhile now?

Call of Duty Warzone

Many attachments for the Cold War weapons in Battle Royale work differently after the last patch.

We collect expert tips on which equipment is particularly recommended.

Many things are different in this second Season 2 of Call of Duty: Warzone. Zombies in Verdansk, new weapons, a stranded tanker, the Metro is closed – and the rumors about a nuclear bomb are getting louder.

There are also some changes in the attachments, especially the weapons that have migrated from Cold War to Battle Royale. Fortunately, CoD experts are already busy testing.

We’re collecting tips on the attachments that are particularly worthwhile now. If you want to read up on all the new features from Season 2, you can find our handy overview here:

New Operators Cold War Season 2 All info about the release of Season 2

What changes in Recoil

The recoil of your weapons is an important factor that you can adjust using attachments. The foregrips are especially important. In Season 2, however, some of these attachments change significantly, so your usual build may suddenly feel different. So if you feel like you’re suddenly hitting worse than before, it’s worth taking a look at CoD expert TheXclusiveAce’s analysis:

You can see the full video including comparisons of Season 1 and Season 2 above, and we’ll summarize the most important tips and insights just below. As an example, XclusiveAce uses the FFAR, currently a particularly powerful assault rifle from the Cold War catalog. However, his findings also apply to all the other Cold War weapons he tested.

These grips have been modified:

  • Foregrip: Nothing has changed with this grip, according to the analysis; it continues to dampen horizontal dispersion only slightly.
  • Infiltrator: This grip now leads to significantly less recoil, especially the vertical dispersion is lowered. However, the Season 1 version had boosted Recoil, so this is not a buff, but a hidden drawback has been removed.
  • Patrol: Here the opposite happens – in Season 1 the grip provided more precision, a hidden buff. This has now been removed and the grip no longer affects the standard recoil of your weapon.
  • Bruiser: This attachment gave you extreme advantages in Season 1 because it significantly improved the vertical warping of your weapon. In Season 2, this effect has been removed, so you’ll have to counter it more when using the Bruiser grip.
  • Field Agent: Little has changed here, according to analysis the recoil with this is possibly a bit weaker than in Season 1. Compared to the standard recoil, it is definitely a significant improvement.
  • SFOD: This grip now helps much more with vertical recoil than in Season 1, and the attachment also visibly improves horizontal dispersion. This will make your weapon similarly accurate to the Field Agent grip.

Recommended grips for low recoil: So if you want to trim your weapon for the lowest possible recoil, you should choose Field Agent or SFOD, the latter also giving you a nice boost to your sprint speed. This way, you’ll be where it’s at in a hurry, and you’ll only have to counter-attack a little to hit your target.

This now applies to speed and movement

There are also some important adjustments to your running and sprinting speed. The Youtuber JGOD has dealt with the corresponding attachments for SMGs. We summarize his most important findings here, you can see the video with exact percentages below.

As a reminder, there are three basic types of movement speed in Warzone, namely normal walking, sprinting and the temporary tactical sprint for higher speed. Many essays only improve one of these stats.

  • Boosts build on each other: The improvements from different attachments add up. So if you use an attachment with 3 percent acceleration and one with 2 percent more speed, your speed will improve by 5 percent.
  • These underbarrels affect your speed: Red Cell Foregrip, Patrol Grip, Bruiser Grip, and Spetznaz Speedgrip. Depending on the weapon, the attachments may have different names, but they are usually in the same position on the weaponsmith, at 2, 3, 4, and 6.
  • These lasers change your speed: Mounted Flashlight and Tiger Team Spotlight, respectively Attachment number 2 and 5.
    Sample setups to get the most out of them:

For maximum sprint speed: If you want to sprint as fast as possible, it’s best to choose Patrol Grip (underbarrel number 3) and the Tiger Team Spotlight (laser number 5). This will speed you up by 6.5 percent.

For maximum running speed: If you prefer fixed endurance running, then take Bruiser Grip (underbarrel number 4) and Tiger Team Spotlight (laser number 5). This will give you a 6 percent boost.