Death From Above in CoD MW2: New clip creates big feelings among long-term fans


The AC-130 is back: a new teaser for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 brings back memories of the very first Modern Warfare.

Well, who remembers the Death From Above mission? Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare put us in an AC-130 ground fighter as a gunner back in 2007, staging one of the most memorable missions in CoD history. A new teaser for CoD MW2 now proves: this moment is coming back.

What exactly was shown there? The video clip was discovered as an ad on Facebook and Instagram and shows a new section from the solo campaign. At the end of about 15 seconds, the AC-130 aircraft can be seen taking fire at a building. You can watch the (Teaser at CharlieIntel).

What was it like back then? In the “Death from above” mission from the original MW, we give fire protection to a team on the ground as a gunner. The experience was considered almost surreally realistic at the time, because thermal imaging visual filters, explosions and radio transmissions create an incredibly believable overall picture

Why is this exciting? While there were always sections with stationary guns in later CoD parts, hardly any reached the legendary status of Death From above.

Fans recognise in the clip a very clear pointer to the classic, and the reactions of many veterans on Twitter are correspondingly positive – for example, from the well-known Battlefield & CoD Youtuber Westie:

So it”s all but certain that the AC-130 will return in the campaign and we”ll once again get to operate the guns of the flying fortress – but this time apparently during the day and in Mexico.

Death from Above 2.0

Call of Duty veterans might find this scene familiar, because in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (2007) we were allowed to sit in the gunner”s seat ourselves in the mission “Death Comes from Above” and bomb our enemies from the air.

Since Modern Warfare 2 (2009), the Gunship has also been available in most Call of Duty games, in one form or another, as a killstreak. At the time, eleven kills were needed without being taken out yourself in between to be able to control the AC-130.

We will probably find out if “Death from Above” will really strike again in multiplayer in the beta of CoD MW2, which starts in a few days. The final release is also almost around the corner and scheduled for 28 October, but pre-orderers will be allowed to play the solo campaign (and thus probably also the new AC-130 Ghostrider) a week before.