Developers hate this trick – Method discovered for fast weapon levelling in Warzone


With Warzone’s Season 2 update came a new game mode alongside new weapons and vehicles. A Reddit user has now figured out how to take advantage of the mode to level weapons extremely fast.

Since the introduction of the second season in Warzone on 14 February, we can now also bash heads in the team deathmatch mode Caldera Clash. We show you a method to get your weapons to the maximum level at Ferrari speed

And here’s how

To make it work, you need to do the following three steps:

  • Activate a weapon XP token in the lobby
  • Starts a match in Caldera Clash mode
  • Activates bounty missions

Once you have a bounty target, you can hunt it down yourself or simply wait for your teammates to take out the corresponding target. Since Caldera Clash is a deathmatch mode, the bounty missions are completed very quickly and provide you with a fat XP bonus.

If you can’t find any bounty missions, you can also accept other missions, which will take a little longer, but will give you a similar amount of experience points.

“Delete this before the developers see it “

The originator of the trick is Reddit user X3FBrian, who also immediately shared it with the community on Reddit. He himself claims to have played his weapon from level 1 to level 23 within one match without firing a single bullet. Since his post, bounty missions in Caldera-Clash have become so popular that some players have already complained in his post about not being able to get a mission off.

You’ll have to hurry though, the game mode is only in rotation until March 3 – assuming Raven Software doesn’t nerf the method before then.