FARA-Nerf and more – this changes in the new Warzone update


Higher recoil for the FARA and a shorter range for the Nail Gun: Raven Software changes the balance of the weapons in Call of Duty in a new patch.

Developer Raven Software has announced an update for Call of Duty Warzone. Assault rifles like the FARA 83 will get a nerf and the Nail Gun will also be adjusted.

Originally, the patch was supposed to go live on Wednesday. However, the company explained that there were problems with the update and the bug will be worked on first. Raven Software will announce when the changes will be implemented in the game. The developer has already published the patch notes. Here are all the upcoming changes in Warzone Season 4.

Attack Rifles:

– C58 (BOCW): Recoil slightly increased.

– FARA 83 (BOCW): recoil slightly increased.

Machine Guns

– Nail Gun (BOCW): Maximum damage range reduced by 39%.

– Note: The Nail Gun is and was intended to be a deadly and extremely mobile short range weapon. However, the range of the maximum damage was much longer than planned for lethal distances with shotguns. The generous range and mobility meant that enemies could be taken down much faster than with shotguns, and at almost twice the effective range. It is true that Nail Gun was relatively little used. However, we (Raven Software) believe that many more players would have chosen it had it been easier to achieve.

Barrels / Weapon Tubes

– Ranger (Assault Rifles except the AK-47 (BOCW) & XM4 (BOCW)).
Vertical recoil control reduced from 15% to 10%.

– Takedown (Assault Rifles except the AK-47 (BOCW) & XM4 (BOCW)).
Horizontal recoil control reduced from 15% to 10%.

– Reinforced Heavy / Match Grade / VDV Reinforced (assault rifles, light machine guns).
Vertical recoil control reduced from 7.5% to 5%.
Horizontal recoil control reduced from 7.5% to 5%.

– Task Force / Spetsnaz RPK / CMV Mil-Spec (assault rifles, light machine guns))
Vertical recoil control reduced from 15% to 10%.
Horizontal recoil control reduced from 15% to 10%.