From emojis and Fallout skins – new Call of Duty crossovers enrage the community


Blue Fallout overalls and creepy emoji grimaces conquer Warzone and MW3. However, the fans are anything but enthusiastic

Once again, the developers of Call of Duty have managed to turn their own fanbase against them. This time it’s about two crossovers that hardly anyone in the community is celebrating.

Emojis from hell

You think emojis, Fallout and Call of Duty don’t go together? The developers of Warzone and Modern Warfare 3 apparently see it differently and are once again causing a bit of a shitstorm within the community with two simultaneous collaborations.

The bright yellow giant faces, which are more reminiscent of a horror movie than the funny and cute emojis, which is apparently intentional, have been available in the Warzone and MW3 store since June 18 and once again make the fanbase doubt the developers’ clear minds

Not only do the skins, as so often in CoD history, not fit the franchise at all and look more creepy than funny, the yellow waterheads also make us easier targets thanks to their distinctive shape and color, a kind of Pay2Loose skin.

Greed. Greed always stays the same.

The second cooperation, which started on June 20, is also causing anything but smiles in the community. Fallout meets Call of Duty, a crossover that once again no one asked for and that only makes the gaming community wonder once again what the devs at Activision Blizzard have been smoking.

I could list dozens of examples where newly introduced skins in CoD had a rather detrimental effect on gameplay and can now add another one with Fallout. Blue overalls with gold accents may look stylish and be an advantage in a Vault, but certainly not on the maps of Warzone or Modern Warfare 3.

The cooperation between the two brands was also picked up on the Fallout subreddit with the fitting headline “Greed. Greed always stays the same.” which alludes to a famous quote from Fallout 4

So the CoD developers have apparently managed to upset two large communities with just one skin collaboration, chapeau!