Ghost is Useless – The Best Perks for Season 2 in Warzone: Pacific


There are a lot of extras in Call of Duty: Warzone. But the new season update ensures that the top Spirit is now useless. That’s why we show you the best alternatives.

There is no question that Ghost is probably the most popular perk in Call of Duty’s Battle Royale. Most players pick up the extra in the latest to second loadout. But the new season in Warzone changes just that. Players of the Vanguard: Royale mode should henceforth no longer pack a ghost.

Why Ghost is now useless

The popular perk has already been indirectly generated by the introduction of Vanguard: Royale. Thus, the mode lacks some modern equipment such as the heartbeat sensor or the snapshot grenade. The new update now ensures that there are also significantly fewer drones.

You no longer have the option of buying drones at the shop and now have to loot them from crates. With this change, it hardly makes sense to pack the extra. Almost all the reasons that spoke in favour of Ghost are no longer there. Instead, you should now rather take other perks with you.

The alternative to Ghost

There are now many other Perks that would be considered as replacements. At the forefront of these is, of course, Overkill. This is preferred for an aggressive style of play. However, the extra is only temporary, as almost everyone is still aiming for a second loadout with other, more useful perks. Which extras are now in question is answered, among others, by the theorycrafter TrueGameData:

In doing so, he mentions classic alternatives such as Hardened and Highly Alamed. The former was already strong before if you liked to push. The new Season Update has buffed this perk as well. This is how you refill armour plates that are empty. This way, you keep the damaged plate for the time being and fill up the others first. In the case of the toughened extra, 75 lives are replenished at once.

In general, you should take the following perks with you for Vanguard Royale:

  • Slot 1: Cold Blooded
  • Slot 2: Hardened/ Replenished / Highly Alamed
  • Slot 3: Combat Scout

For a particularly aggressive style of play, however, you can swap the first and third slots. Here, rush in the first slot and tracker in the third slot are a good choice. If you still have Ghost in your loadout, now is definitely the right time for a change.