How to use the Trophy System in Call of Duty


The Trophy System is used to defend against enemy attacks. We explain its use and how it works

The Trophy System is one of the field upgrades in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Warzone and is used to defend against enemy projectiles. There are two variants of the system, each of which is used in Warzone and Black Ops Cold War. The Trophy system blocks incoming grenades, tactical equipment and large projectiles such as rockets.

It is recommended for defending neuralgic points on the map when the hail of missiles begins. Important areas like the Factory are fiercely contested and if you want to have the upper hand there, you should take the right precautions. Another good deployment option is sensitive vehicles.

What can the Trophy System do?

  1. The defense system has up to four projectiles.
  2. The protection radius is up to ten meters.
  3. The Trophy System can be attached to vehicles or be stationary.
  4. For defense must be a line of sight to enemy missiles and shells.
  5. Each successful firing of the Trophy System causes minimal damage to the device itself.

The Trophy System in Warzone:

The recharge time to battle ready takes 1:19 minute. You can find the Trophy System everywhere on the map. After the setup, the system is active for ten minutes as long as its three charges are not consumed.

The Trophy System can, for example, protect your vehicles. Important is the free positioning to be able to intercept incoming projectiles. For example, the roof is a good place to set up. If you are traveling with large vehicles, several Trophy Systems are necessary for effective protection.

Trophy system in Black Ops Cold War:

The recharge time to combat readiness takes 1:20 minutes and can be reduced by accumulated points in the match. In Black Ops Cold War, the Trophy System is brought into the game via field upgrade. Unlike the three projectiles in Warzone, the Cold War variant has four to defend against. The use of the system works as in Warzone.

Program note: In cooperation with Activision Blizzard, ProSieben MAXX broadcasts four game days of the CDL. It starts with the first broadcast LIVE: Call of Duty League on May 16 from 23:00 with the final of the 3rd Major. The whole thing will be commented by CoD caster Sven “SweeN” Welling!