In Modern Warfare 3, players are becoming queues again – and people are annoyed


At the moment you should look at the ground when playing CoD. The “snake trick” also works in Modern Warfare 3

Call the exterminator! In Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, the snakes are on the loose once again. With a trick, players move extremely fast in a lying position – a nasty surprise for any unsuspecting player. In this X-Post from CoD-Account Pullze Check you can see what it looks like:

Snaking 2.0 – or is it 3.0? Maybe already 4.0?

What’s it all about?  “Snaking”, named after the English word for snake, is a movement trick almost as old as CoD itself. (Some users) under the above post already remember players wriggling around in World at War, officially the fifth of 20 games in the main series.

With this trick lying players move forward at high speed In this post by X user @ImMeishu you can see the whole thing from a first-person perspective:

How does this trick work? In a YouTube video, user Sky explains how the trick works with a mouse and keyboard. In fact, it only requires a few settings in the menu and the correct key assignment. Then all you have to do is jump forwards while turning the mouse wheel. In fact, this trick should also work with a controller, as @TaisonTV comments under the X-Post of the well-known CoD account ModernWarzone:

How does this trick work?

In a (Youtube video) user Sky explains how the trick works with a mouse and keyboard. In fact, all it takes is a few settings in the menu and the correct key assignment Then all you have to do is jump forward while turning the mouse wheel

In fact, this trick should also work with a controller, as @TaisonTV comments under the X-Post of the well-known CoD account ModernWarzone:

CoD players don’t like reptiles

If you want to use this “technique”, do so at your own risk: You won’t make yourself very popular. Under an X-Post from ModernWarzone with the video from Pullze Check there is a lot of criticism

The user (@TrueTrueCore) wants better options to avoid having anything to do with PC players: “We need the option to disable crossplay with PC or even better an option to filter by input device. That would be better for both. “

For (@WickedChaos21) is proof that PC gamers are wrong to complain about Aim Assist on controllers: “We need Aim Assist for M&K, it’s too overpowered. Meanwhile, they do things like this. “

It’s possible that the developers will make this movement trick impossible with a patch . It is difficult to say whether this is a pure bug. This kind of trickery has been around in Call of Duty since well before yesterday.

What do you think of this movement trick? In your opinion, do such things have no place in games or are they also a part of Call of Duty? Where do you stand in the whole “controller vs. mouse and keyboard” debate? Is crossplay an asset or a curse for modern shooters? Let us know in the comments.