In Warzone 2, the first Nuke was detonated and no one knows exactly how


In the new Battle Royale, the first nuke has gone off, giving automatic victory to the shooters. However, the team themselves don’t know exactly how they did it.

The tactical nuke is to the Modern Warfare series as the Master Sword is to The Legend of Zelda. However, after the mushroom cloud failed to materialise in CoD’s first Battle Royale, in Warzone 2 you can now blow up the entire Al Mazrah map with the press of a button. 

Not even a week after its release, the world’s first weapon of mass destruction has now been detonated in the game. The streamers (Wagnificent), (EthanStellar) and (opmarked) have accomplished this feat – but exactly how is unclear.

How was the nuke detonated? 

Since the team streamed the entire round, the individual steps are actually easy to follow. Still sitting on the plane, players were shown the info screen that the Champions Quest was now available.

There were three golden warzone icons on the map where the event could apparently be started – which the squad did directly, of course. The team then collected the three chemicals needed to assemble the Nuke: Tritium, Beryllium and Plutonium. But even one of the materials gave away the location of the streamer to all the enemies, so the mission was certainly not easy. Plutonium also caused permanent damage against the owner.

All chemicals collected, Wagnificent and co. set out to complete the detonator. This was followed by another two minutes of defending the bomb. Finally, however, the Nuke went off, all opponents were razed to the ground in one blow and the team enjoyed the following victory screen: 

How do you start the Champions Quest?

So the flow during the round is pretty clear, only the beginning raises questions. How and why the event was available to the team in the first place is not entirely obvious. There is, however, one guess.

Supposedly, you must have already bagged five victories in Warzone 2 in order to fulfil the conditions for the Champions Quest. In any case, it is certain that this is not an isolated case. Raven Software has reacted via Twitter and asked who will ignite the next Nuke. So expect many more nukes to go off on Al Mazrah soon.

So that you can soon detonate the atomic bomb yourself and record five victories as soon as possible!

What do you think about a Nuke destroying the entire map in the new Battle Royale? Is it a cool new feature or do you fear constant mushroom clouds in your future rounds? Feel free to write us in the comments!