Low point isn’t even an expression yet – Modern Warfare 3 campaign drives community up the wall


The lack of ideas and brevity of the Modern Warfare 3 campaign shocks the community. For many, a new low point for the franchise

The Early Access campaign of Modern Warfare 3 is finally available and is now running smoothly after initial technical problems. But how does the single player mode play and can we look forward to new legendary missions like in the predecessors?

A tragedy

What do ripping off a plaster and the Modern Warfare 3 campaign have in common? They both hurt, but fortunately they’re over quickly. The single-player experience of the latest Call of Duty title can hardly be described as anything other than subterranean.

The campaign, which is extremely short even by Call of Duty standards, offers little to nothing new in the missions and is over in just 5 hours (!!!). If you value the story and side missions, you’ll get just under 7 hours of game time.

One of the biggest villains in the CoD universe (Vladimir Makarov) is pointlessly used up here and is about as scary as a walk on the beach. Overall, the whole campaign feels unfinished and hastily cobbled together from Modern Warfare 2 content.

The fact that Modern Warfare 3 was actually planned as DLC and not as a full-price title becomes more than clear during the campaign. On (Reddit) the reviews from fans are correspondingly poor.

User Styler852 writes:

At the end of the story I thought to myself, “Oh man, here we go…I didn’t expect the credits to come right after…What was that?” So damn short. That was just a little campaign DLC for MW2

Even one of the biggest and most famous online gaming magazines (IGN) hardly leaves a good hair on the single player mode and gives the campaign a tired 4 out of 10 points.

This makes MW3 the worst rated CoD campaign of all time.

In addition to the brevity of the campaign, the open combat missions are particularly criticized. The missions are often more reminiscent of the DMZ mode introduced in Modern Warfare 2 with extra cutscenes than an elaborate single-player mode.

Some Reddit users even accuse the developers of laziness when designing the maps and missions