Modern Warfare 2 – Anti-cheat useless? Ranked mode is overrun by hackers


Once again hackers are spoiling CoD players’ fun. This time, Ranked Mode has been hit particularly hard

The hopes for the new anti-cheat system of Ricochet were still high at the end of October and many thought it was finally the end of Aimbot, Wallhack & Co. However, as the Ranked mode in Modern Warfare 2 currently painfully proves, unfortunately not too much has changed in comparison to previous CoD games.

All as usual

The community’s long cherished dream of a ranked mode in Modern Warfare 2 is currently turning into a nightmare. The competitive new game mode, which is based on the CDL regulations, is currently overrun by cheaters.

While the lower leagues are still largely spared, in Diamond, Crimson and Iridescent it is almost impossible to find a match without hackers.

The improved anti-cheat system Ricochet was supposed to detect new cheats more quickly thanks to deeper access to critical system levels and subsequently block the corresponding players. Currently, however, there is not much evidence of this in Modern Warfare 2’s Ranked mode.

While Ricochet in Warzone 2 seems to be set a little too sensitively, in Modern Warfare 2 it currently feels like it no longer reacts at all and, as in the past, raises the question of whether it has any use at all.

Self-help video

Free from the motto “desperate situations call for desperate measures”, help videos are now doing the rounds on Twitter explaining how players can leave a Ranked Match if they have discovered a hacker without incurring a penalty.

Unfortunately, this “trick” requires that you know whether a cheater is in your lobby or not. You must have encountered him before in another match.

If you have discovered a cheater, you should put him on your block list so that you can recognise him directly in the next match.

Sadly, this is currently the only way to take active action against hackers. It remains to be seen when the next wave of bans will strike and clean up Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.

On Twitter, by the way, cheater manufacturer EngineOwning continues to be unimpressed by Ricochet despite a three-million-dollar fine and diligently submits new updates for their hacker software in order to spoil the fun for other players.