Nerfs for OTs9, Stoner, MG82 and more weapons – Warzone Season 6 Patch

Nerfs for OTs9, Stoner, MG82 and more weapons – Warzone

Call of Duty: Warzone players:inside should adjust their tactics: Season 6 nerfs some of the most popular weapons.

Season 6 is shaking up the gameplay in Call of Duty: Warzone starting Friday. Along with new content, weapons will be tweaked as usual. The metagame could see some changes in the coming weeks: among other things, the popular SMG OTs9 has been generated.

Developer Raven Software announced the Patch Notes on Thursday. Overall, it hailed nerfs exclusively for several weapons, with no buffs in sight. Two of the assault rifles and two of the light machine guns now have more recoil. Most important, however, are the changes to two attachments for the SMG OTs9. The weapon is now slightly slower after changes to the Spetsnaz 40 Rnd magazine and the VDV 40 Rnd Fast Mag. The Aim-Down-Sight speed has been reduced and additionally the reload time has been increased.


Attack rifles

  • C58 (BOCW)
  • Recoil increased
  • EM2 (BOCW)
  • Recoil increased

Light machine guns

  • MG 82 (BOCW)
  • Gun Kick increased
  • Repulsion increased
  • Reload interrupt time increased
  • “Raise interrupt time” increased
  • Light Machine Gun Alpha (BOCW)
  • Gun Kick increased
  • Repulsion increased



  • Tiger Team Spotlight
  • Movement speed multiplier reduced from 3.2 percent to 3 percent.
  • Aim-down-sight speed multiplier decreased from 3.2 percent to 3 percent.



  • OTs 9 (BOCW)
  • Spetsnaz 40 Rnd
  • Aim-down-sight speed multiplier reduced from .85 to .835.
  • Reload time changed from 2.6 to 2.7 seconds.
  • “Reload Empty Time” changed from 3 to 3.1 seconds.
  • VDV 40 Rnd Fast Mag
  • Aim Down Sight Speed Multiplier decreased from .8 to .78.
  • Reload time changed from 1.93 to 2.11 seconds.
  • Reload Empty Time changed from 2.23 to 2.32 seconds.