New Perks in Warzone – Is Ghost becoming useless?

‎New Perks in Warzone
‎New Perks in Warzone

After an endless meta-game full of Ghost, new Perks are said to be coming soon to turn the game around. High Alert is also being revamped.

Developer Raven Software mentioned a fortnight ago in the patch notes for Season 4 Reloaded that they are working on two new perks. In addition, the functionality of High Alert is to be changed to counter Dead Silence.

High Alert is said to stand up to Ghost

There were really only two options for the second slot in recent weeks: Ghost and Overkill. With Ghost, you are not detected by UAVs, radar drones, heartbeat sensors and the High Alert perk. In addition, the death markers of eliminated enemies are hidden. Overkill allows you to carry two primary weapons.

Raven Software already announced that High Alert will be revised. In this, the view pulses when enemies are outside the direct field of view. Players with ghost perks are currently not recognised by High Alert. However, if vision is buffed, there would finally be a counter for Ghost in the future. It was originally intended as a counter to the field upgrade Dead Silence, which makes footsteps 75 percent quieter.

New Perks to Counter Ghost Dominance

Exactly what the two new Perks will look like is still unknown. Raven Software is faced with the difficult task of bringing an interesting new feature, but one that is also not too overpowered. One possibility for a new perk would be the option for players to use two field upgrades at the same time. This would also allow players to expand their tactics, as no upgrade has to be given up for another.

Another possibility would be to slightly increase the speed for equipping Armor Plates. No matter what the new abilities are: They should definitely offer a popular alternative to Ghost, so that more variety comes back into the game.