One of the most important locations in CoD history returns in Modern Warfare 3


The first trailer confirms the return of Verdansk in MW3 2023 campaign.

The Verdansk stadium has changed repeatedly over time due to story events. In August 2020, for example, Shadow Company blew the roof off.

Meanwhile, the marketing machinery for Call of Duty 2023 is in full swing. That it will be Modern Warfare 3 has been known for some time, but now the first trailer has been released.

And it not only announces the comeback of the infamous CoD villain Makarov, but also hides another secret.

Here is the video:

While the return of Makarov is, of course, completely obvious, players didn’t spy another important detail until a second look: An in-game scene takes place in the Stadium of Verdanskwhere an attack apparently takes place and civilians flee in panic!

The scenes can be seen from minute 1:12 in the video. The fictional soccer logo can be seen briefly but very clearly, plus the architecture of the building matches.

As Makarov already provided a real shock moment and international headlines in the old MNW trilogy (cue: No Russian), this one apparently features another drastic scene involving a terrorist attack.

Why is this so important?

Verdansk is considered an absolute milestone in the history of CoD. The map went viral with the launch of Warzone after the release of Modern Warfare 2019 and changed the shooter landscape permanently.

To this day, Verdansk is considered one of the best battle royale maps in the genre and was instrumental in helping Warzone achieve record-breaking (Daily sales of over $5 million).

(On another note, fans believe that the castle in MW3's trailer corresponds to the Fortress of Verdansk.)
(On another note, fans believe that the castle in MW3’s trailer corresponds to the Fortress of Verdansk.)

The Warzone successor maps such as Caldera and Al Mazrah failed to match the immense success and cult status of Verdansk. Many fans have therefore been longing for a return for years.

Is Verdansk also coming to Warzone?

So far, Verdansk is only confirmed as part of the story campaign. It is not known if Verdansk will be playable again in Warzone – but in expert circles this is considered unlikely.

Nevertheless, as soon as MW3 is integrated into Warzone at the end of 2023, a new map will allegedly be launched that strongly reminds of Verdansk.

Forthcoming MW3 will be released (without Warzone integration for now) on November 10 with the usual package of campaign, multiplayer and co-op.

For the first time in CoD history, weapons will be carried over from the predecessor, so you can continue playing with your arsenal from MW2.

What do you think about a return to Verdansk? Do you have any good Warzone memories associated with the map? Feel free to write us your opinion in the comments