OP weapon finally generated! New Warzone Patch is online


The next Call of Duty Warzone patch has been released and contains much needed changes. An OP weapon has been generated.

The Warzone developers met the community’s biggest request with the latest patch and adjusted the PPSh-41. Due to a bug in Warzone’s Season 2 update, the SMG became overpowered and has dominated the meta ever since. Some players and streamers even called the PPSh the most powerful weapon ever. According to the developers, the weapon had higher damage numbers than intended, which is why they decided to make the change.

Another change in the patch concerns the Gulag. While you are fighting for your re-entry into the match in 1 vs 1, you will no longer be able to use stun grenades. Instead, Raven Software provides you with gas grenades, medical syringes and thermite to make the Gulag more balanced. Stun grenades had added a random factor to the Gulag that was not desired by the developers.

Raven Software has released the full patch notes on Twitter and their homepage. In addition to the two changes mentioned, there were also some minor bug fixes, which included visual improvements to skins and weapons, as well as fixing collision issues.