Perfect Warzone Spot – How to Take Out Campers in the Gulag

call of duty gulag sniper wallbang

The fight for survival in Call of Duty: Warzone is often fought in the gulag. A professional player discovers a useful spot for a wallbang there. The campers have a problem with that.

In Call of Duty: Warzone, it’s all or nothing in the Gulag. Since Black Ops – Cold War, the original symmetrical version has been replaced with a small, uneven Nuketown variant. Due to the asymmetrical map, there are clearly more advantages for campers. But the US-American Warzone top player Aydan “Aydan” Conrad gives hope. He shoots his opponent out of the match despite being covered.

Thanks to a snapshot grenade, Aydan can see his opponent, who, like many of the campers, is in his own spawn. With a well-timed shot through an unusable wooden door, he hits his opponent perfectly a short time later and wins the duel in the Gulag.

To the surprise of many players, the wooden facades allow significantly more shots to fly through than previously thought. Aydan has provided a second clip, but is not the only one who managed a victory in Gulag with the help of a wallbang.

Campers may be less likely to be found in the Gulag in the long run. Because once these wallbang spots become more and more well-known, it’s no longer a good idea to hide behind the wood.