Quick and Easy – The Best Way to Level Weapons in Warzone

best way to level weapons in Warzone‎
best way to level weapons in Warzone‎


Riding a train, completing missions and killing enemies? We have the tips and tricks on how to level up weapons in Call of Duty: Warzone as quickly as possible.

Looting and levelling, that has to be in a game! Call of Duty also has these mechanics. We’ve put together a few tips and tricks for you on how you can collect experience points in Warzone as quickly as possible.

General tips and info:

Extremely handy are the double XP tokens in Battle Passes, as well as special weekend events that double your accumulated points. Be sure to keep these days free in your calendar and combine them with the following methods.

In general, teamwork pays off! XP is accumulated faster and more effectively in a squad. One player looks for all the missions, the other members do them.

You always get XP for the weapon that is currently equipped. If you get into a car, the XP goes to the weapon you had equipped last outside the car.

In addition, there are other temporary modes in which XP can be farmed quickly. These include, for example, Payload or Kingslayer. In these, you have to achieve many kills, which in turn is rewarded with a lot of experience.

In the Plunder mode there is money waiting without end

The most practical mode for chasing the points is loot money (Plunder). A game lasts 30 minutes and the first team to take a million dollars in the game wins. There is also no gulag. If a player dies, he spawns again directly on the battlefield and can quickly continue to search for money. Opposing teams can be robbed, supply drops bring money and contracts are available. For example, a specific enemy must be taken out for extra cash, participate in a recon mission or a scavenger hunt.

Hamster Contracts

The Plunder mode guarantees a veritable flood of XP through hamster missions such as Supply Runs. If you play with a squad, you can easily complete about 10 of these missions per round. These give the normal XP, weapon XP and money. It is best to take a helicopter or a car. For the mission, you have to get to one of the shops marked across the map within a given time. It is enough to simply drive or fly past.

This tactic is currently quite popular. If too many players complete the hamster tasks at the same time, they disappear from the map. It is then advisable to look for reconnaissance missions instead. There, a position is marked on the map that you have to hold for a certain amount of time.

Train driving for that extra kick
A special variation of these reconnaissance missions can be found during a train journey. If you travel by train, you can relax and level up your weapons.

In the middle part of the train there is a reconnaissance mission that spawns again and again and the target is always on the train. Of course, this sounds like a lucrative gold mine, which is why some players make their way to the train. So if you are a little more confident in the game, you will also encounter a lot of enemies, which means even more experience through kills awaits you.