Role model for Warzone? VALORANT with fewest cheaters since start

VALORANT with very few cheaters since the beginning


The amount of cheaters in the tactical shooter VALORANT is extremely low. Developer Riot Games could become a role model for Call-of-Duty with the measures.

The anti-cheat team for Valorant stated in its new report on Monday that cheating rates are currently very low. Cheating attempts have decreased over time and further measures are being planned. The success at Riot Games raises hopes that other shooter games like Call of Duty can benefit.

To ensure the continued success of the anti-cheating programme, Riot Games is planning further updates to the Vanguard programme and the introduction of new systems. External modifications are described by anti-cheating staff member Matt “K3o” Paoletti as new ways of cheating that also need to be uncovered.

The cheating problem is also a problem in other games such as Call-of-Duty: Warzone. Activision recently unveiled their new anti-cheat programme RICOCHET, which is supposed to solve the cheating problems in the Call-of-Duty parts. According to rumours, however, the new kernel driver has already been leaked again in its function.

The lack of security software in CoD games is causing player numbers to drop and the fun of the game suffers when vehicles can suddenly fly in Battle Royale. Certainly, no anti-cheat programme works 100 per cent, but Riot Games could become a role model for the scene with these methods.