The launch of Season 2 of the new Call of Duty is not far away. We summarise what you can expect in Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2.
When does Season 2 of Call of Duty: Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 start and what does it have to offer? In this overview we collect all the information and leaks for you, which now reveal tangible information about the release, the new maps, modes, weapons and operators.
But be warned: Not all details are officially confirmed at this point! We refer to the info of established insiders as well as dataminers and summarize what they want to have learned so far about Season 2 of the current CoDs:
- Release: When will Season 2 be released?
- New Weapons: Shotgun and Crossbow?
- Warzone 2: New Battle Royale and DMZ content.
- New Map
- New Mode
- Gameplay changes
- Content for DMZ
- Modern Warfare 2: Maps and Modes for Multiplayer
- New maps
- New operator
- Ranked Games
- New Modes
- Technical and Balancing: Bug fixes, audio changes and more
General info about Season 2
Table of Contents
Release: When does Season 2 start?
Season 2 of Call of Duty MW2 and Warzone 2 will start on February 15, 2023 And thus about two weeks later than actually expected. But the developers announced several exciting new features instead!
Insider names start date for Season 2 Reloaded: According to (Tom Henderson) the next content update will already go into renewal on 2 March 2023. On this date, Season 2 Reloaded is supposed to start. However, the mid-season update is also guaranteed to be delayed, we now expect it to be at the end of March.
Castle is not a MP map for Modern Warfare II. Just a POI on the new Ashika Island Resurgence map for Warzone 2.0.
– CharlieIntel (@charlieINTEL) January 31, 2023
New weapons for Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2
It should come as no surprise to anyone that Season 2 will also bring new weapons for Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2. In total, there are supposed to be five new weapons, but they have not yet been presented.
The Dataminer (CODSploitz) and Content Creator (Mavriq) among other things, it should be a new shotgun called Vepr-12
and the well-known crossbow from the single player campaign.
Saw new unfinished compensators on shotties in private matches. @Elgoomtaf do you know how these are unlocked?
Makes me think we”re going to get a new shotgun 🤔
– Mavriq (@MavriqGG) December 16, 2022
Hints of this have been spotted before in the code of the current Call of Duty games, and only recently have the hints started to thicken. But keep in mind: There”s no guarantee that the shotgun and crossbow will actually hit in the course of Season 2! The weapons could also be available later in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.

Warzone 2: New content for Battle Royale and DMZ
There should be some new content and improvements for Warzone 2 and the extraction mode DMZ in Season 2, which are also much needed after the problematic release
New Map: Ashika Island
The new, much smaller Warzone map has now been revealed, sending you to a fictional Japanese island called Ashika. It serves as the setting for the Resurgence mode and DMZ. It seems that several leaks were right, predicting a Resurgence map with a Japanese castle. The assumption that this would be accompanied by a return of the castle map from previous games also proved to be correct. However, we will only be able to visit it as part of Ashika Island. All further details about the map can be found here:
With the announcement, the developers also released some screenshots, which you can check out here:
New Mode: Resurgence Returns
Officially returning from the first Warzone with Season 2 is Resurgence mode. Here you will not be sent to the gulag upon your death, but will spawn with your squad mates if they are still alive.
A leak also indicated that the Plunder game mode could become available in Battle Royale. Here you have to collect as much money as possible to win the match, don”t have to loot weapons and can even respawn.
Gameplay changes for Warzone 2
Not all of Warzone 2”s new features were met with enthusiasm by fans, which is why two of them are now being reversed. In addition, other gameplay elements will be adjusted:
- Looting like before: Starting with Season 2, items from crates and defeated enemies will be spread across the floor again. You will be able to pick up the most valuable equipment without having to search through inventories. Backpacks will also be completely eliminated, so you won”t be able to increase your inventory in the future.
- 1v1 Gulag: Two-man battles will also be removed. Instead, as before, you will have to face an opponent alone to get back into the match. The Jailer will also be replaced by the Overtime mechanic known from Warzone, where a flag spawns for you to capture. Also, more different weapons now spawn and you get more money for a win.
- More money, lower prices: In Season 2, you will find more cash spread around the world. At the same time, the prices at purchase stations will be lowered, but in return you will receive less money for completed missions. Cash is now also available in ground loot, containers and white fortress boxes. However, you will no longer be able to find it in normal and legendary supply crates.
- Perk Packs: With Season 2, you should once again be able to create your own Perk Packs for the Battle Royale. Initially, the selection of Perks is limited to avoid balancing difficulties, but it will be continuously expanded.
- Other changes: All players will start with a 3 plate waistcoat. Buy stations are more frequent and always spawn in the same place. Loadout drop markers are available indefinitely.

New content and gameplay changes for DMZ
Those who have been diligently playing Extraction Mode since release may have already completed all missions for the various factions. With Season 2, there are supplies and some major changes, here is a summary of everything:
- New missions and resets: So far they remain quite vague, but with Season 2 there will be new missions in DMZ. Also, your previous progress in missions and your inventory of keys and contraband weapons will be reset at the start of the Season. The additional insured weapon slots, on the other hand, will remain, as has now been confirmed.
- New Zone: Mi Season 2 you can choose a third location next to Al-Mazrah and Building 21 at the beginning. This is likely to be Ashika Island, which has now been confirmed for DMZ.
- New Faction: With
a new faction will land in Warzone 2, whose missions are available in DMZ. Important notice. Only Modern Warfare 2 owners can access the Crown missions, regular Warzone 2 players will have to stay out. - AI and Mission Difficulty: Previously you could be easily blindsided by the AI, so it is now toned down a bit, but should still be challenging. Also, the difficulty of the missions doesn t tighten up quite as much as before.
- Better spawn points: The entry points have been adjusted. you should no longer spawn in isolated areas that offer little loot or missions.
Modern Warfare 2: New content for multiplayer
New Maps for Modern Warfare 2
In Season 2 there will also be several new maps for the multiplayer. It is possible that another map will be released at the start of the season and another one will be added to the game with the mid-season update. It is not yet known what the maps will look like, but according to the CoD experts at CharlieIntel, the new Resurgence map Ashika Island will not be reused as a multiplayer map.
Castle is not a MP map for Modern Warfare II. Just a POI on the new Ashika Island Resurgence map for Warzone 2.0.
– CharlieIntel (@charlieINTEL) January 31, 2023
New operator
Along with an artwork and map leak of Season 2 also came the unconfirmed info that in Season 2 of Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 the operator Ronin will return. Ronin was already playable in the previous MW from 2019 and the first Warzone. The operator is based on real-life person and Special Forces veteran Tu Lam.
For particularly skilled and competitive players, ranking modes will also be coming in Season 2. Here you will be placed in a certain rank according to your performance and can gradually advance if you play well enough. The developers confirmed the following features shortly after the release:
- Competitive modes
- Skill rating can be seen by other players
- A leaderboard with the top 250 players
- Exclusive rewards
According to a leak there are supposed to be seven ranks, but this information has not been confirmed yet. Here you can see the possible ranks, sorted from highest to lowest:
- Dazzling
- Purple
- Diamond
- Platinum
- Gold
- Silver
- Bronze
New Modes
Season 2 is supposed to expand the multiplayer with new game modes. What exactly these are, however, is only partially known. Already confirmed is the return of the Hardcore mode, in which only a few hits are fatal and you have to play without a HUD.
In addition, a leak hints at several new modes that could return with Season 2, or even later:
- Cranked: In this multiplayer mode, a kill increases your movement speed and lets you aim and reload faster. However, you must then get another kill within a short time to extend the bonus, otherwise you will blow up.
- Gun Game: Here 6 players play against each other without teams, so every other player is an enemy. You cannot select a loadout, instead all players are equipped with the same weapon at the beginning. If you score a kill with this weapon, you will be assigned the next weapon. Whoever has played through all weapons first
wins the round.
- Gunfight: In this 2v2 mode you have to eliminate the opposing team within 40 seconds. Failure to do so will spawn a flag that you can capture to win the round. If the flag remains unreached, the team with more remaining health wins. More rules:
- Teams spawn with the same weapon classes set by the game.
- No health regeneration.
Just the return of Gunfight would not come as a surprise as this mode was promised earlier by the developers. We learned about the potential new game modes from a dataminer who discovered corresponding symbols in the game files.
Technical changes and balancing
Next to new content, Season 2 will of course also bring a lot of necessary technical improvements for Warzone 2 and the multiplayer. Weapons and Perks will also be partially adjusted to ensure a balanced gaming experience. Here are the most important changes at a glance:
- Better performance, less crashes: With Season 2 they want to work on the general performance of the game and eliminate causes for crashes. This also applies specifically to DMZ. A crash there is particularly annoying because you put your insured slot on cooldown and lose all loot.
- Audio Improvements: Several sound issues are to be fixed. In addition, a bug in the
Audio Occlusion
shall be fixed. This should actually only ensure that you can hear gunshots or footsteps outside less well when you are in a building. However, this noise reduction was sometimes mistakenly triggered by smaller objects on the map.
- Improvements to the menus: The confusing menus were a big point of criticism at launch. Season 2 should bring some improvements here.
- Weapon and Perk Balance: Both weapons and perks will be changed with Season 2 to bring particularly strong and weak candidates in line with the general level. However, we will have to wait for the patch notes for more detailed information.
What else is happening in Call of Duty right now
With Season 1 Reloaded, the latest content update for Modern Warfare 2 and Warfare 2 was released a few weeks ago, bringing not only new content but also a range of important improvements. For example, the hard-hitting Shipment map and the at least equally sporty Raids. But one small detail change made us particularly happy.
What are your hopes and expectations for Season 2 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2? What absolutely needs to happen for you to stay tuned or return? Let us know in the comments!